There is a rare
Star Formation on Friday the 10th
at 8:13pm to 8:31pm Central time.
This is also just after the eclipse of the Moon which is usually an
unpredictable time as heaven and earth will be moved to achieve an intent. An
additional important point is part of this involves the Midheaven which relates
to society, careers, and life paths. I would like to organize a mass magical
moment of meditative focus. If you have a penchant to visualize a coming
together over the next month of divisions in America and in the next month re
focus of Congress to serving the real people of America, please join myself and
others. Keep it only positive statements without the toxic reactions we have
all been under. Let’s feel the positive empowerment and break this spell of division
and subversion. Make this meditation your contribution of a mystical creation. So,
set your clocks and be ready to start when doing your meditation this Friday evening.
For those
who look at Valentine’s day to be a magical moment, it might disappoint. There
are so many reasons for your romantic moment to be disrupted that it is
probably better to show unconditional love with understanding of human limits
and fragility. The 15th will be a much better day to get together.
Friday, February 10th brings a great start to the day. This
is what I will call Magical Friday! So many things in all aspects of life will
get a boost in the right direction. Yes, some things will ebb away, but those
elements have been struggling to hold on to power for too long anyway. Think
brave new world of everyone getting their share of the success pie. Think big,
think bold, think about inclusiveness, think Aquarian age. Moon in Cancer until
late evening when it goes into Leo.
Saturday, February 11th, today the Sun goes into Sidereal
Aquarius. This will be an influence for the next month; so, expect dictates
both positive and negative will jockey for position in our hearts and minds. With
Uranus, still in Pisces events may seem to have tidal intuitive forces rolling
over everything. Connect again with the proactive solutions and leave behind
the toxic name calling and see life from those who are still struggling
emotionally and psychically. The best things will fall into more cohesive
structure. This is not normalizing what is untrue, this is calming down enough
to feel centered and able to focus on the whole picture rather than just the
flaming arrows in the night. Moon in Leo.
Sunday, February 12th, with the flurry of events on the
horizon, it will be hard to find your safe place. Take extra care today to
rest, and sort out how recent events will affect you. If a direct impact is
coming your way, plan a strategy. Much fear and apprehension can be alleviated
if you have a plan B. emotions may be confused as logic and feelings don’t seem
to match. Just take good care of your physical and mental health today and get
your rest. For many of us, this can be a day of rest and rejuvenation. Moon in Leo.
Monday, February 13th, another day of confused emotions,
just amped up some. The problem is a tendency to count what has been done for
you lately. Are you being ignored or underappreciated? You will be best off
doing some self-evaluation. Sometimes we forget to understand the dynamics of
others around you being to worn out to give when you are needing TLC. Instead
of starting a blame game, reach out with empathy and see if you can stem some
of the hostility tide. Moon in Virgo.
Tuesday, February 14th, by early evening the Moon will be
closely approaching Jupiter in Virgo. While this is spectacular in the sky, it
might mean that romance is having to take a back seat to practicality. Nourish yourself
and significant other with understanding and setting time aside when you both
can focus on each other. Remember a recurring date on the calendar is not
necessarily in sync with personal magic and romantic moments. If spending this
time alone, treat yourself to flowers, and order some takeout food. Moon in
Wednesday, February 15th, probably a much better day for
romance than yesterday. Many of the recent stresses have taken a break. Still
working on that great movement into the next transformation, but you can take a
break from it all and just enjoy the interesting unusual things that come your
way. Finding your personal footing or emotional center will be easier today.
Many will find that simplifying your needs and wants will go a long way towards
personal peace. This will be a better day to have a low-key rendezvous with
your special someone. Moon goes into Libra this evening.
Thursday, February 16th, this could be a day that would be
great to celebrate all that is right in the world. So much attention is spent
on what is wrong, that taking into account what has transpired for the best is
a lost art. Spend today re-establishing this connection with success and
gratitude. Since some of the noise has been filtered out, you may start to
clearly see an upcoming shake up. The reputable news may not be putting it all
together because there is a shift to just presenting info rather than spin.
While it is a few days from developing, Mars will conjunct Uranus in Pisces all
next week and will be exact on the next eclipse on February 26th.
While now is a development stage, after the next eclipse there will be plenty
of time to see how this major event will actually look like. But for today,
consider your super sleuth abilities and add up the pieces to make your own
prediction as to coming affairs. Moon in Libra.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
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