Thursday, February 23, 2017



As an overlay to this week, and more to come is that lingering T Square with Pluto in Sagittarius, Mars/Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo. In short descriptive terms that is the mandate to transform or die is pressured with chaotic public attention and finding the details to make it all right. We can do this, but it will take work. Fortunately, there is a wealth of attention and force to keep what is good in our lives and banish those who would oppose such gains. Remember we are not dealing with individuals but puppeteers and their minions. The minions can get human really quick should they decide to cut the money strings and work on merit. Now there is an idea! Merit!

Friday, February 24th the portends of the day bring to mind how there has been an ever-increasing assault on our psychic wellbeing. Mars will be near exact tomorrow and today will send a lot of signals as to what sets off triggers to reactions. From this point on, what has been festering will start to emerge. The good news is that with this second part of the eclipse cycle, a new foundation for the future will be evident. It must involve honor and some rebellion. Hopefully no one will get nervous and escalate situations that are barely under control. Something else that helps this is Mercury has moved into Aquarius and is aspected so that internally people are getting a new perspective on how we deal with each other. Listen, think, and respond in a way that you will be proud of your position. We are all being graded right now. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, February 25th, as the moon goes through a potent Stellum today, those who have been overloaded will be called to retreat into old coping mechanisms. Watch yourself and your reactions. You may have to eat your words tomorrow morning is you can’t contain your self today. Other than the elevated level of mixed signals and posturing, there are some really important developments with our most intimate relationships. Some of it may be testy, if things have not been gradually remedied, but it is all for the best. Trust it, and be as good as you can. Moon in Aquarius.

Sunday, February 26th starts the day with a solar eclipse. Be glad that you are off today as it allows you to focus on personal needs and expectations rather than work. I have to remind myself frequently that there are many dimensions to our lives. There is work, family, spirituality and community. The temperament of the day will rely a lot on how you did yesterday. Also, Mars and Uranus in Pisces are exact conjunction again today. This can be anything from terror attack to food fight with the children. What matters is where you have behaved recently. Those who try to be authority figures will meet the most resistance. There is this power struggle with higher ideals and expectations vs where is the trust and truth?  I suspect a Twitter war may be unleased also. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, February 27th, this is a day where many may just feel unwell. Could be a larger than usual Monday sick calls. I suspect that so many will do this that the actual work load on the job, for those who do show up, will be minimal. Treat yourself well and forgive yourself if you are lagging in focus. The highlight right now is how are we doing as a society? That can be daunting as we can only do so much; yet, we have so much power to simply be present and at attention with those who are around us. Moon goes into Pisces later in the day.

Tuesday, February 28th, for all intents and purposes, February is done. What does linger is that shift into sensing both challenges to authority and reclaiming our own terra firma. With the Moon in Pisces, this conflict and challenge to where we are becomes more internal than external. But if a weakened psyche gets one to many barbs sent their way, they may pop. Be civil to those around you  and counter with a gentle smile at others. If you really don’t have anything major happening, spread some peace to those you meet. I would also like to suggest that even when you are driving, to play light and uplifting music and smile. Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, March 1st, since I live in a severe storm area, today is going to be the proverbial Lamb of spring. But with the undercurrents of the Moon intersecting with that Mars/Uranus conjunction, psychic abuse or mental abuse can come from the most unexpected areas. Entirely possible this will be a time when those who live in tight constrictions may just not make it. Realities could be dashed, or further submerged into the subconscious. This can be a sickening time for those who are dealing with the mixed signals. I suspect many of my readers are probably going to be called to do more community service and counselling than usual. If you see someone easily frustrated, lend a kind word or a gentle smile. Empathy and compassion are the key words for those who can help, without judgement. Moon is Pisces.

Thursday, March 2nd, there is a significant energy shift today. Mars goes into Aries which is its natural state. This is when the reactions of the past few weeks can come into full force. With the gentler entry to the connection with that crazymaking Uranus in Pisces, deals will be made today, push will come to shove, and whatever has still been pent up will uncoil. This can be an exciting time. Know that times like this the depressed get worse, the crazy get crazier and the conscious find new meaning to life. It is all for the best. Consider where you are, what you have experienced this last week, and know the sun rises every morning and we must make this transition together. Moon in Aries.

Blessings and peace, 
Connie Hansen

Thursday, February 16, 2017



Friday, February 17th, amid the changes that seem to test every fiber in our bodies, today will let a glimmer of insight. We are also starting to get used to the intensity of change or chaos surrounding what is a well-orchestrated system. The more far reaching the system the greater the pressure to see the parts that don’t work. For those who can have part of their life hovering in synchronies and spontaneity, there will be some interesting moments. Make some memories and live your days for this moment. Of course, remember that there is always tomorrow so don’t go to crazy. Moon in Libra.

Saturday, February 18th, another day to keep it light. Consider solutions outside of the box, that don’t hurt those around you. The test of these times is to be true to yourself and fulfill your promises to those closest to you. In the end, that is all there really is, who we are and what we do. There are some transformative moments in your heart of hearts so let it flow. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, February 19th, a lucky day for lovers of life and those dearest to them. Savor the sincere moments and let them carry you though the day. Concrete messaging is setting up solid foundations for the future, just keep focus on planning only. The future is always what we want to create out of today, so make it something that feeds your soul. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, February 20th, check notices frequently through the day. As there are rapid fire changes that will shift the landscape of your understanding and life. Focus on evolving events rather than static points.  For me, I plan to stay in touch, but putting actual decisions or actions off until another day. No sense is wasting precious energy. Also, a good day to trust your intuition or ask deeper questions so that you sort out the fortuitous events and the duds. Moon goes into Sagittarius by mid-day.

Tuesday, February 21st, you will know if your intuition is accurate. Today’s delays or reversals will be very evident. Don’t try to fight the inevitable, and just play a waiting game if you can. Over the next couple of weeks someone may be making some scandalous moves and pressuring for power grabs. If this is your boss or a conniving individual in the office, try to keep in touch but not committal to doing a project. It will not benefit you. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, February 22nd, another day of tricky maneuvers. Make sure all the facts are well researched. Actually, that can be your strategy to avoid getting into someone’s game… simply demand facts and research before committing your time. Vigilance for the next couple of weeks will pay off. None of this is going to go well in the future. Remember that your integrity and honesty is probably going to be at risk for a few weeks while Pluto/ Mars/Uranus and Jupiter are in a T Square. Moon in Sagittarius.

Thursday, February 23rd, there is less of a gut reaction to the last couple of days of power struggle. The facts are starting to flow into the situation with the Moon in Capricorn demanding that all seriousness be observed. A set of trines with the mischief maker Uranus to Saturn and then the North Node to Saturn are all about catching those who are being subversive. Keep it real and keep it honest. And stay away from those who are nefarious. Moon in Capricorn.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, February 9, 2017



There is a rare Star Formation on Friday the 10th at 8:13pm to 8:31pm Central time. This is also just after the eclipse of the Moon which is usually an unpredictable time as heaven and earth will be moved to achieve an intent. An additional important point is part of this involves the Midheaven which relates to society, careers, and life paths. I would like to organize a mass magical moment of meditative focus. If you have a penchant to visualize a coming together over the next month of divisions in America and in the next month re focus of Congress to serving the real people of America, please join myself and others. Keep it only positive statements without the toxic reactions we have all been under. Let’s feel the positive  empowerment and break this spell of division and subversion. Make this meditation your contribution of a mystical creation. So, set your clocks and be ready to start when doing your meditation this Friday evening.

For those who look at Valentine’s day to be a magical moment, it might disappoint. There are so many reasons for your romantic moment to be disrupted that it is probably better to show unconditional love with understanding of human limits and fragility. The 15th will be a much better day to get together.

Friday, February 10th brings a great start to the day. This is what I will call Magical Friday! So many things in all aspects of life will get a boost in the right direction. Yes, some things will ebb away, but those elements have been struggling to hold on to power for too long anyway. Think brave new world of everyone getting their share of the success pie. Think big, think bold, think about inclusiveness, think Aquarian age. Moon in Cancer until late evening when it goes into Leo.

Saturday, February 11th, today the Sun goes into Sidereal Aquarius. This will be an influence for the next month; so, expect dictates both positive and negative will jockey for position in our hearts and minds. With Uranus, still in Pisces events may seem to have tidal intuitive forces rolling over everything. Connect again with the proactive solutions and leave behind the toxic name calling and see life from those who are still struggling emotionally and psychically. The best things will fall into more cohesive structure. This is not normalizing what is untrue, this is calming down enough to feel centered and able to focus on the whole picture rather than just the flaming arrows in the night. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, February 12th, with the flurry of events on the horizon, it will be hard to find your safe place. Take extra care today to rest, and sort out how recent events will affect you. If a direct impact is coming your way, plan a strategy. Much fear and apprehension can be alleviated if you have a plan B. emotions may be confused as logic and feelings don’t seem to match. Just take good care of your physical and mental health today and get your rest. For many of us, this can be a day of rest and rejuvenation. Moon in Leo.

Monday, February 13th, another day of confused emotions, just amped up some. The problem is a tendency to count what has been done for you lately. Are you being ignored or underappreciated? You will be best off doing some self-evaluation. Sometimes we forget to understand the dynamics of others around you being to worn out to give when you are needing TLC. Instead of starting a blame game, reach out with empathy and see if you can stem some of the hostility tide. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, February 14th, by early evening the Moon will be closely approaching Jupiter in Virgo. While this is spectacular in the sky, it might mean that romance is having to take a back seat to practicality. Nourish yourself and significant other with understanding and setting time aside when you both can focus on each other. Remember a recurring date on the calendar is not necessarily in sync with personal magic and romantic moments. If spending this time alone, treat yourself to flowers, and order some takeout food. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, February 15th, probably a much better day for romance than yesterday. Many of the recent stresses have taken a break. Still working on that great movement into the next transformation, but you can take a break from it all and just enjoy the interesting unusual things that come your way. Finding your personal footing or emotional center will be easier today. Many will find that simplifying your needs and wants will go a long way towards personal peace. This will be a better day to have a low-key rendezvous with your special someone. Moon goes into Libra this evening.

Thursday, February 16th, this could be a day that would be great to celebrate all that is right in the world. So much attention is spent on what is wrong, that taking into account what has transpired for the best is a lost art. Spend today re-establishing this connection with success and gratitude. Since some of the noise has been filtered out, you may start to clearly see an upcoming shake up. The reputable news may not be putting it all together because there is a shift to just presenting info rather than spin. While it is a few days from developing, Mars will conjunct Uranus in Pisces all next week and will be exact on the next eclipse on February 26th. While now is a development stage, after the next eclipse there will be plenty of time to see how this major event will actually look like. But for today, consider your super sleuth abilities and add up the pieces to make your own prediction as to coming affairs. Moon in Libra.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, February 2, 2017



Your biggest challenge this week will be filtering out the noise from the usable data. If you can find a string of chores to do towards your goal, take care of them right then. The usable energy will shift a lot this week. Rest in-between the hard work.

Jupiter, the element of luck and big opportunities will continue to trine the Sun which gives you control of how things are going. These both are in Earth signs so big deals in the works can be very fortuitous. Just remember that Jupiter in Virgo demands details and rules which is also enhanced with the Sun in Capricorn which is money, goods, lands and all those tangible things in life. 

Friday, February 3rd, brings some fresh insights into the future. Enjoy the motivation and drive to take on a personal project that can bring you closer to a future goal. What will need taming is a chaotic voice in your psyche calling out all the impossibilities. If you can sort through the illusion vs. a tangible step forward, something great will get a boost. Just bear in mind that chaos will continue and details will change, so stay on top of the goal, and make adjustments. Moon in Aries.

Saturday, February 4th, those who can hold on to precise details and staying on subject will find this a very productive day. Should be good for self-starting and grounding though the process. Yes, there is plenty that seems like it is hanging in limbo, but that is the time to find patterns in the jumble and start putting things together. Communications or discussions you connect with that help you transform into something greater. That can be personal understanding as well as media posts. So, ready, start and go! Moon in Aries.

Sunday, February 5th, while yesterday was like a steam train moving down a track, today may find you overwhelmed or simply tired. The “lazes” may strike! So, give yourself a break today if you just can’t find the momentum. Be aware of psychic downloads that my come with the rest and relaxation. Sometimes the stickiest problems are solved when you are doing something completely different. Moon in Taurus.

Monday, February 6th, many of you will be glad that you listened to your body yesterday and took a break. Because the Grand Trine in Earth occurring today will make some serious manifestations in your goals or project. Start out with a good breakfast and give it all you got today. Moon in Taurus.

Tuesday, February 7th, be wary of fanciful thinking. Some people you must work with are thinking more about how big the project can be rather than motivation to do the work. Here is a day when taping into your dream communications and subtle meditation guidance will give you momentum when others are floundering. Good luck in sorting out the vibes as they will be all over the place. Probably a good day to limit how much you go forward because it could shift tomorrow when reality sets in. Moon in Gemini.

Wednesday, February 8th, the day starts out with a Grand Square creates rather than allowing new addition. For those who have been riding this wave of flighty circumstance and opportunity, this is probably a better day to evaluate, do research and plan. Don’t fight the wave and cruise for a while. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, February 9th, try to clear out all the distractions in your productive time. If it does not have an immediate solution or path, put it on hold. What will be in tune is your intuition and lucky chance occurrences. Just don’t push any more than you must. This is a day that should flow rather than be steered. Moon in Cancer.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
