Thursday, January 26, 2017



Buckle up Buckeroos the first change I want to make note is Saturn going into Sagittarius. At best this is uncomfortable at the worst it is rebel cries and maneuvers to save face. Be thankful we are taking this in a little at a time. So, for those of you wishing for a change in the status quo, here is your window. Dare I say that varying people will start to bond and work together?  The first few weeks of this new Saturn in Sagittarius will set the tone. After that there will be some lapse as much goes mute or gagged until a connection the Sun around March 11th to March 23rd. There is even a Trine with Saturn and Uranus which is considered the Rebel! This erratic connection will go on for a while giving a touch of protection as well as emphasis to rebellion or resistance. Through the beginning of this time there are positive connections with the draconian point that shows the way to the future. That draconian point is all about leadership and organization. Remember that Jupiter, the representation of heads of state is out of harmony while under Spica the star of Brilliance. Now is the time to be heard, but do it in a way that is sustainable. That can be translated as using the laws to do the work and demand they be observed with real facts.

Today, Venus starts it journey in Pisces alongside with Mars in Pisces. With Mars weakened, actions taken in love will have more power than reactions to events. There is a lot of energetic focus on the way we are governed, so your partner needs to understand or agree with the changing landscape. This could be a difficult time for polarities in family civic interests. So, evaluate your relationships and if you are in sympatico with your partner, then it will be a time for bonding during this electric time. If not, and you want to preserve the relationship for when this re-aligns, then some distance will be required. In about three weeks there will be a test for those relationships. Be ready for alternatives. On the national front. A flash point will happen in about three weeks that will then mean an amp up when Mars moves into its element, Aries. More on that when it gets closer.

Another T square has established itself with Pluto/Mercury as the focus. That is the need for transformation and probably some trigger point communications. The other angles are Jupiter and Uranus. Remember that Jupiter is poorly aspected with Spica which could be subversion of beneficial authority. Uranus is our psyche in turmoil with itself and rebellion. Could you combine a bigger battle royal than that? I don’t think so. This will continue until April 13th when a series of fortuitous events will break the mold. (Sun , future destiny an Saturn the task master). Just in time for tax day.

Friday, January 27th, brings an uncomfortable reality into the forefront. Feelings will be holding onto dystopian beliefs but searching for stability on shifting ground. What we want and what is available can be illusive. Saturn has shifted into Sagittarius making an uncomfortable parity with hopes and expectations demanding the truth and honor! You will want to have things go your way so that life has meaning, but a clash with rebel rousing makes it hard to feel comfortable. Also, as big changes are in the works, transparency is limited making it disjointed to trust and insist on an agenda. It will also be hard to understand where to put your work or money. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, January 28th, this is more of a day to find your strategy of how to go the distance with the matters at hand. Personal decisions will have too many uncertainties to feel comfortable with big moves. Know that and keep it simple and watch for synchronicities that bring stability in your life. I mean make it really basic like the sun rises everyday and the stars are out at night. Even if it is hard to do, bring gratitude into your life so that you have some footing in this surreal world. I suspect that a more equalizing perspective is sustainable. If you are struggling, focus on what will improve your ability to do well and what that looks like. If you are well off, yes it does seem you are one or the other these days, then consider what is extraneous and what is important. Find a center that makes you feel at peace. The polarity must shift to the center and be more inclusive. Moon in Capricorn.

Sunday, January 29th, the only real difference between today and yesterday is the stronger feeling of connection with your fellow man. Esoterically, we do respond and resonate to each other in subtle ways. Tune in to this, as it should be easy, and see things from an evolving perspective. Your inner higher self will probably be able to listen to opposing views. Mostly because those are shifting also and understanding is starting to be a priority. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, January 30th, there is a struggle to put things into perspective and see the future. Well, surprise, it cannot be viewed right now… because we are creating. What will you accept, what is true, what is right are all on the table today. I for one want the majority of those struggling to get a real chance to take care of their needs. I also want those who have disconnected from the “new disadvantaged” to wake up and realize that it is in their best interest to give a bit more to allow that to happen. Many “get it” and are working to make it real. But more must happen. We all need to make a leap of “faith” that we can work out equality. Do note that purveyors of obstruction or guile need to be called out. We all know who they are in our lives. Moon in Aquarius.

Tuesday, January 31st, wow, this could be a day for taking our grievances to the street. There is an intense sense of acting out. A planning day for tomorrow’s events. There will be more luck in your actions if you wait for tomorrow. The collective psyche is hurting right now. Drive carefully this evening and be polite or say nothing. Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, February 1st, this is a time to make a difference and be heard. There is less emphasis on the future and more on the here and now. So, keep the focus on what is going on right now. I am sure something big is on the table which needs immediate response. Later in the day a flash point can be felt. But the energy is still muted with civility, ie peaceful marches or legal cases filed. On the mystic level, take some time to do deep meditation for answers and calm. Count to three or ten before you pop off a remark. Moon in Pisces.

Thursday, February 2nd. Expect the AM to be shocking and extreme. Instead of panic, consider where the shift in direction can take us. Don’t be lazy with details or go into complacency. Things need to be heard and said. Make communication count, even if it is hard to do. We all must stay clear and concise. There will be other times that this situation or issue will come up in the next few months. Pay attention to all the details and you will start to see a pattern emerging. After today, the emotional roller coaster we have been experiencing will take a break for a few days. I suspect that there will be a satisfying event that will carry us until the next assault.  Moon in Aries by noon.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen

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