Thursday, January 19, 2017



A bit of star talk to begin this week. Jupiter is in late degree Virgo and will be bouncing around the star Spica, “potential for brilliance”. This is one of the great stars of the sky and is symbolized as the wheat shaft and the sign of the Goddess and fertility. The gift from the goddess is knowledge and the potential for brilliance. Unfortunately, Jupiter (the king maker) and Spica are also strongly opposed by Uranus in Pisces. This will be doing a tango for a while so get ready for the erratic undercurrent to meet with possible brilliant subversion. Keeping your head is going to be a major test of will. Hopefully the higher will prevails. It could also be a time when the shenanigans are plentiful as well as expose who is doing what. We all need some good luck.

 This could be more of a week to observe the outside world but connect with your inner circle. Mars is going into Pisces and is still associated with a set of mysterious occurrences. Healing might come from the energies available, but only if you are willing to scale back reaction and understand instead. This is probably going to be a lesson for most of a month. Be extra aware of things that are brewing in others and be nice. We all are learning to be more savvy about nefarious dealings that affect us.  Consider that this afflicted Mars in Pisces could mean psychic attack, psychological attack or omission of pertinent facts.

Also, Venus is going to be conflicted right now, mostly due to insecurity about the future. Go easy on romantic demands. That will only backfire. So just work on connecting now, that is all we know and can control. The more heart centered you can be, the more heart centered the future will be. We create as we go.

Friday, January 20th, for most people it will be just another full and tense day. There are only weak easements in the heavens today. Oppositions to power, placement and deeply held beliefs will come into focus. While I would like to say it will be peaceful, aspects to Mars makes that iffy. Expect obsessiveness rather than sober consideration. I suspect the inauguration will be more than a brief mention in the news today. If we are lucky, a submerged positive can be that the gravity of the situation is seen and understood by the tweeter in chief. Change is always possible, but still unlikely. The momentum is set. Our personal assimilation of this event is just as important. Even with the shock and awe of implications, how we deal with it all is just as important as what is going on. In other words, don’t drown your fears in either cocooning or intoxicants. Moon in Libra.

Saturday, January 21st, expect a subtle and perceptible shift in perceptions in the future. The Stellum in Aquarius has some various conflicts of power over what is in store. When strong planets group together, there is difficulty in going forward. Especially with Mars moving into Pisces which will weaken it greatly. I suspect that we are in for lots of posturing and games that may not really turn into anything lasting. As for feelings and more ethereal elements, there can be a sense of getting a handle on what is happening in the big world. Then you can make some short-term decisions for your everyday life. Don’t plan to far in the future right now. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, January 22nd,  some of the recent emotional volatility will wane today and then  simmer under the surface. Channel that energy by taking a breather and just enjoy life as best you can. There is still a strong separation between the overall order of things and the connections you make in your life. Cultivate those relationships that are close and know that, for now, not much is going to change. There is still some good news relating to the future that can give solace. Don’t make the mistake of failing to give each day all you have because of fear of the future. That only leads to regret of missed opportunities. Finding how you can adapt to a situation  might be the bigger picture we need to co-create. Such as knowing there has been a big illusion placed on us. Many are still sorting out right and wrong. Look for similarities and ease fears. Please stop the bashing that has been inciting separation so transformation can occur without fear. No one can think if they are perceiving being attacked. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, January 23rd, homeland, and security will be the pulse point of the day. There could be a violent event occur, but while Mars is diminished, the plot could psychic attack or mis-information. The goal is control at all costs. The question is who is being controlled or fooled. The things that are playing out right now are pushing us to not only think for ourselves, but include the greater good and community in the process. That is tough work for even the most conscious individual. Moon in Scorpio.

Tuesday, January 24th, while there are lots of unique synchronicities that help us find our footing, Saturn is in a last degree of Scorpio, the transform or die sign. Are you nervous yet? The moon provides a bit of philosophical shift to our daily plights. These last degrees of any sign, tend to bring a multitude of lesson reviews for us to sort out. Until Saturn shifts into Sagittarius on January 27th, it can seem particularly dark and frightening… especially with it in Scorpio. Some will re affirm their spiritual perspective, but it will seem hollow if you don’t shift into something that is a higher truth. In other words, let go of the dogma and false promises and accept co-authorship of what is good and bad in life. For some this is natural. We really are more enlightened these days, and definitely more informed. So, that shift can be brilliant today. Wait for the eureka moments to greater security. Yep, much of that resides in your head and heart.  Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, January 25th, many will find a glimmer of understanding and perspective today. The right news or conversation wakes up a different perspective to consider. This will not last long, but is an important step in your greater shift into your future. If necessary, journal and do dream work on the news, conversations, and studies you encounter today and tomorrow. Slowly we are piecing together, your evolving mystery is not only healthy, but it is a relief. Right now we can only digest small bites. Moon in Sagittarius.

Thursday, January 26th, you could be questioned on your new perspective. Those who have missed their mark will not feel very good. Instead of falling back into the familiar, consider why there was a reaction and how it would work down the road of life. Even those who really work out something useful for them, will probably need to take second look at their perspective. Illusion is rampant, so know that you only have part of the story. I do think that we are getting closer to understanding why the larger world has taken such an uncomfortable turn. We are in that time of discovery as to just what has happened and how it is playing out. Information today will be difficult to make sense of. But just take notes and be aware that a big push to subvert is happening today. In the world of romance today, a chance encounter could be quite powerful. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a lot of staying power. This might be a time to compare romantic encounters with those during war time… amid the chaos, there is a moment of humanity.  Moon in Sagittarius.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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