Thursday, January 12, 2017



A T Square which has focused on agents of chaos, the wheeling and dealings of the world and transformation at all cost has started to loosen its effect. Thursday the 18th should be a gut-wrenching twist that will be etched into reality…. Codes or the law. So, the week after this we can start to take a bit of a breather on the shock values we have been presented… well for now. This has been a tough connection to live through. The 19th and 20th will be stressful but anticlimactic. The good thing is Saturn is playing nice in this game of thrones right now and the effect will probably not hit home. It is what it is.

We are also going to see a tightening of a Stellum with Neptune, Venus, Mars and Chiron for a while. All of these are in Aquarius. I would hope this could be a time of coming together for how people think and react to each other. There are going to be stresses on this Stellum, so only those making an effort to communicate (listening and hearing) will be able to make a difference. My question is will there be enough of these centered souls to do enough good.

Also, the Sun goes into Capricorn this week. Coupled with an uneasy square with Jupiter, getting our budgets in order will be tough. So I would suggest not buying something frivolous with any projected tax refunds. More pressing needs will be on this money. If the gods of chaos miss your house by after April, you can think of expenditures then. On a practical note, this could be a really good time to reuse, swap, or repurpose things. Could be a good time to re learn making labor swaps with people and getting things done without big expenditures. Frugality is never wasted, just don’t be “penny wise and pound foolish” as my grandmother would say. I am promoting a different type of self-reliance via the village.

Mars will be interacting with Chiron the next couple of weeks. Any efforts to start exercise or health routines will probably meet with failure. What seems to be the source is over load. So spend more time meditating and finding your center rather than fighting strong energy drains. Time to amp up your energetic stores for the future.

Friday, January 13th, the crisscrosses of insecurity about the future and how you feel about it will be hard to ignore. Some settling in of reality must be addressed so you know how your day to day routine will be affected with coming changes. We will feel moody and don’t be surprised if some petty fighting begins. Just double check communications if someone is reacting in an unexpected way. These times remind me of climbing a ladder to get on a flat roof. I tried to stabilize the ladder for what is a long way up. My prep just was not making me feel secure, but I had to go up anyway. The ladder shook and I caught my balance several times on the way up. Came to the precipice and held onto the roof line to climb over. Once I was up there, the footing was secure and the view was thrilling. We are in such times, but adjustments will need to be made the whole time up. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, January 14th, today is a Grand Trine with Mercury, Uranus and the Moon. By mid-day some fortuitous news could come our way. I think this will be more of clarification of an issue. This also creates a Kite formation with Jupiter in Virgo at the apex. Personally, I think more ideas of how things are going to work in the big picture are about to emerge. Hopefully everyone will have a better feel of where they need to adjust and what true nature of individuals have evolved. Moon in Leo by midday.

Sunday, January 15th, another day of clarifications and settling of the rules for the future. While I know that we have entertainment exploring what the world will be like after collapse, perhaps we should step into the here and now and realize that no one benefits when everything collapses. Even the factions we chose to demonize. Keeping your voice heard is valuable in that movement from one era to another. Moon in Leo.

Monday, January 16th, there could be some clear signs of leadership in our lives. Someone around you will take the helm… or you might be you given that task…. and order can be made from a jumble. Money, budgets, law and sometimes melancholy can need help to put into perspective. Good day for a budget to be created. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, January 17th, this could be a good day to get together your tax forms. Lots of energy for dealing with money and getting details in order. I would even give your tax preparer a call to either set a date to meet or simply go over the forms and see what some of the numbers look like. If you have other duties, then starting a collection for charity and simplifying your home is an effort that has rewards down the way. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, January 18th, this is the last full day of that pesky T Square with our way of life. It should have an element of resignation to reality. Communication lines are all still in good order, so at least some of the mixed messages or subversive entanglements will diminish. Now prepare for the new propaganda to get everyone to settle down. Jaded people say this sort of thing has been happening since mass communication… or the days of Mad Men who manipulated us to buy their cars and deodorant. We really can’t go that way again. Demand truth or change the channel. That way ratings will be somewhere because we are watched in every way. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, January 19th, as the Moon passes Jupiter, take this time to find some equilibrium in your life. Assess everyday things and know that some things operate because of the momentum we all contribute on a daily basis. If you can connect with that wave, you can weather just about anything. I know I get lazy sometimes and just don’t want to fine tune aspects of my life because I am tired of the effort it takes. Weighting and counter balancing events, actions and outcomes in uncertain times is tough. Take smaller steps until more is known. Moon in Libra.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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