Thursday, August 25, 2016



Perhaps the most significant event happening this week is on Thursday, September 1st is a Central Annular eclipse. That means for those who get to see it (along areas of Africa) they will see a “ring of fire” with the center of the sun darkened. Eclipses usually mean a series of events that start with one and end with the opposite one to a series. I am not convinced that this one will be like that as the next one is February 26, 2017. None the less, we have a profound shift coming with the continuation of Mars passing Saturn in a T Square, so stay aware of things happening around you. Usually these relate to stresses being worked through. If you are in a stressed situation by the 1st, take heed and get going on personal work.

Here is another heads up about the Mercury Retrograde happening on August 30th. This is when it “stations” just before the retrograde and you should see things slow down or snarl up. Mercury is traveling in Sidereal Virgo, so if you tend toward hypochondria, relax if you have a mosquito bite. If you want to harness the energy of organizing files, your desk, your house (especially closets) this could be a great time. Who knows what you will unearth! Actually finding things and solutions to mysteries happen a lot in Mercury retrogrades because you are looking backwards or inward. Those in earth signs may have a bit more trouble staying grounded. Take extra care to stay with routines unless you get thrown a curve and have to just explore new territory. Know you always carry wisdom and experience so even something new has lots of back up available. Mercury should be completely out of aspect by September 23rd or the Autumnal Equinox.

Friday, August 26th, this is a day when your desires seem to be totally tied up with minutia. There are so many layers to getting what you want, that maybe a lesson can be learned about timing. Go into planning stage or daydreaming. Don’t worry about something occurring should your daydream turn into a nightmare. Just consider this a free and safe time to try out every aspect of your imagination just to see where it goes. I also suspect that those who love the darker side of the seasons will have a journey into scary territory… like a walk on the dark side. Still safe as not much can happen today. Do watch out for those who are emotionally challenged. Moon in Gemini.

Saturday, August 27th, don’t make any promises you can’t keep. Always an important perspective to delay commitments when you are already doing more than you have time and energy to give. People will just look elsewhere if you let them know you are not up to it. The worst case scenario is those who haven’t learned about over extending, will leave someone in a very bad spot because you failed to deliver. That will hurt later on, so keep it real with commitments. Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, August 28th, another day of being careful of commitments. If you can simply be available for networking to find someone for the job, you will feel much better. Sometimes a person just needs to connect up to a web of associations to get where they need to go. Still heavy repercussions if you over commit or fail to deliver. This evening is best for cocooning and resting for the coming week at work. Moon goes into Cancer later in afternoon.

Monday, August 29th, Mercury starts to go “station” today. And the little Hermes is dancing with Venus and Jupiter in Virgo. Not a lot of fun unless you shift from summer leisure to getting serious about making some important plans for the rapidly shifting seasons. Used to be our lives revolved more with nature. We took a break when Mother Nature did. But some people not even walk on dirt or grass in a day. That separation weakens you by staying full throttle instead of starting to shift gears. We are not designed to keep that pace every day of the year.  Also things at work may meet some resistance to previous plans which means do overs or working but not knowing if it will be used. Keep your emotions in check as it is easy to become grouchy. Take life in stride and use this time to possibly improve plans or simply take a breath and move the activity to another day on your calendar. Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday, August 30th, what happens to day, may simply be a lucky break to do something on your own. Right now many people are not wanting to do a team project and when things get dumped in your lap, maybe that is a good thing. You won’t need to herd cats to get something done. Still it will call upon all your resources to produce! Maybe not what you want to do right now, but it is, what it is. You have all the power of concentration and articulateness of Virgo to do a great job. Moon in Cancer.

Wednesday, August 31st, still lots of challenges for some people. Those who have mastered being observers and simply not getting wound up about events or what people are doing, have the best days. For the next couple of days, there is a happy coincidence about how things shape up. Those things that keep playing out or meeting road blocks should be understood and released. What happens today is the only thing meant to happen. Count your lucky stars if your day goes smoothly as you are riding the wave. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, September 1st, more will be understood and seen today. Remember many people are working under conflict of interests with themselves and their associates. Could be a day of posturing, show boating and general puffing up of abilities. Ignore the peacocks as they haven’t a clue why they are acting out. Other than, they should be letting ego acquiesce to common sense. Remember common sense? I do! Moon in Leo.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen


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