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I used data from Astrotheme. I also used sidereal
calculations and applied western astrology concepts to the readings. As you
would expect there are strong personalities running for President of the United
States and this year is no different. The population is gravitating towards rejection
of the establishment but yet both candidates have very established experiences,
just in different arenas. To decide what the outcomes could be, since both are
very strong for election, I looked at the natal chart, the progressed chart,
ancient stars and the transits for the evening of the election. Motivation can
play a better indicator than personal drive.
For those Bernie supporters, I am sorry, I did not finish
writing up his results because of a couple of factors. He is a final phase of
Zuben Elchemali, “negative social change” on his Ascendant. Something is going
to transform in him in another year or two bringing in a grander quality for
public service. If he sets his mark on election day, there will be swift
changes coming his way that are unforeseeable at the election time. His role is
definitely that of transformation and his message can still be heard in the
hearts and agendas of politics from this day forward. If anything he has
resonated with the generally silent youth of this nation who need to stay
engaged. It matters to them too! He does have a destiny marker on election day
at the Midheaven, but with the star Regulus so far from his Zenith, I am afraid
the other two candidates have a stronger Regulus influence on election day. I
love his ethic, message and the movement I think he will continue to develop
within a Democratic presidency. If Donald Trump wins, he will not have any
June 14th,
1946 at 10:54 am,
Jamaica, Queens, New York.
The general lessons for Donald Trump are in integrating with
society and using a savvy in business for personal gain. A business man who can
indeed, master “the art of the deal” with cunning and persuasion. He is
empowered by this action. The area being highlighted with progressions at election
time is strong conflict emotionally with his home space and business/public
persona. He has come from an emotional disadvantage and will suffer losses in
that area for several years because of a progression into the tail of the
scorpion. So he does not truly know what he will be experiencing until in
Also he has a natal sidereal moon in Scorpio and emotionally
he does not take well to being crossed especially double crossed. Most of us
are like that, so this creates a personal connection to the voters. But that is
the status quo of political life. For him there is a natural reaction to get
back at offenders which can stir up hostility in his cabinet and party ranks. On
Election Day, he has Venus punctuating his vulnerability. He loses either way.
He gets what he wants in politics and loses in his inner sanctum, or he gains
his inner sanctum and loses the election. Just how he makes that choice is his
life lesson. With his progressed Jupiter in this configuration, he could stand
to lose in a big way the momentum, opportunities and finances in this coming
period of his life. Will he chose to take his attention from his business and
let someone else run it? Will he cast off family to stay in the hot seat of the
The star Alhena, which relates to “having a mission”, is
exact on his natal Mercury which is his communications and how his mind works. He
needs to have a mission, a plan or project to keep deeper insecurities from
surfacing. This is a common strategy for many men. He ties his personal wealth
to his general success and mental health. Truly a symbol of today’s
entrepreneur. This is all well and good, but should he start to lose a
controlling grip on a plan, he could find some serious personal demons come to
call. But then, what president doesn’t? He has had a lifetime to learn to self
manage. Will it be enough?
A look at Trump’s Ascendant, shows the star Regulus, which
relates to “Success if Revenge is avoided”. He has had a big opinion of himself
all of his life. Like a gambler who forgets any losses and just remembers his
big wins. And in a family of all or nothing, this could be a healthy way to
survive in that home environment. His Progressed Sun and Ascendant are exact to
Regulus right now. The Ascendant is the personality projection. So there is no
doubt he is pushing towards the highest position possible. As well as the doors
are opening for him, ready or not. Since he has created so much in his monetary
life, why not go for promoting his style and ego in politics? Totally
understandable that this is where he is heading. The difficulty in this is he
is pulling both actions, natal and progressed, from hidden enemies and karmic influences.
Playing out unfinished business or poorly performed business from the past. I
find it concerning that Donald Trump is involved in numerous legal battles…
equating to frequent reactions of vengeance. What will that personality do in a
world crisis? Probably seek revenge. Are we ready for another war? As the
emotional toll increases, will a belligerent personality in the Whitehouse
cause stresses in world markets? Trumps methods work well on American psyches,
but not necessarily on other cultural perspectives.
On the Descendent is his progressed moon in Aquarius,
directly opposite a bundle of orbs such as his Natal Mars, progressed sun, and
the star Regulus. Aspecting his progressed moon is the star Fomalhaut, which
relates to “Success through Nobel deeds”. This opposition, should he win the
election, will be at odds with himself to not enact revenge at failed policies.
Against his known style he will be forced to do only deeds of integrity or end
up in court. People are already so tired of the Supreme Court making laws stand
or fall, won’t his personality just make it worse? So far the three branches of
government have been seriously obstructed. Adding dysfunction to the court
system might be a big problem for all of us. So the promises he makes in his
campaign could be considered betrayal by his voters if he does not find a way
to do them. His popularity could plummet very quickly.
Now all of this is falling on the shoulders of someone who
has had a lifetime to battle his demons and make a final drive to do it his
way. That sounds like the experience of so many Americans that his popularity
is no surprise. But with his progressed ascendant (public persona and
personality expression) and Mars (actions and power) in opposition to the star
Hamal, “to follow one’s path”, he will have difficulty controlling his
outcomes. This is an exact aspect and will affect him for many years.
Considering how he is used to managing others, he will find a different dynamic
when in the political system controls him. He is riding a wave of new kingdom,
which has the feel of feudalism, but he may end up being reigned in or worse as
emperor with no clothes. At that point, campaign promises that are broken will
be remembered. He will lose trust really quickly.
I doubt he has started to calculate the personal cost of a
presidency as he tends to work more like a successful checkers player than a
chess player. Congress and the world leaders are more like chess players. Ultimately,
I think that by the time of the election he will have decided if he wants to
vest his energy in being president. Watch for him doing things out of character
or self sabotage before the election. People may have already tuned out debate
and he could be president. But there will be a sharp fall from grace. I hope
people stay engaged in the process, as that apathy is what created this set of
Hillary Rhodham Clinton
October 26th, 1947
8:02 AM
Chicago, Illinois
Birth data from Astrotheme
The source of Hillary’s power is highlighted 12th
house of karma. She has a progressed Midheaven and the Transiting Sun focused
on her core drives. These drives are all in Libra which is equality, truth,
justice and similar positive social perspectives. She also has the Zuben stars
affecting how she operates. At the moment of the election she will have Zuben
Elgenubi exactly on her Progressed Midheaven which is the star of “Positive
Social Change”. Now with the balancing of what is good and what is bad, about 5
years later, she will have her Midheaven on her natal Ascendant stellum. She is
healed by doing the right thing, but what is right may become very difficult to
navigate in a second term. She will have lots of really bad news of big changes
which have to happen. Part of this can be avoided if she is wary of going too
far too fast. I also suspect a similar set of obstructionist behavior affecting
her in a second term. Will the people want that to happen?
As an observation, there are bigger dualities at play
right now. At the risk of sounding like a feminista, I think we will start to
see a pull to honor to the power of the divine feminine. She is the focal point
of which those old line expectations and new explorations that can be played
out. If people are smart, they will
expect both aspects of human kind (masculine and feminine) to play nice
together. There is no reason to expect a pole shift in policy. We are stronger
working strengths balancing out weaknesses. Remember your ancient Greek stories
about Aphrodite, who was a warrior by day and a love goddess at night. That is
why she and Mars got along so well. Hillary can play hard ball and that is what
frightens some men.
Hillary’s vision is clear, experienced by trial and error
and a mother’s desire to do what is best. Much of her motivation is willingness
to undergo a lot of self sacrifice for the common good. Just how that
translates to what we will experience is something she has to meter out
carefully. Even too much of a good thing can make you sick. I do want to note,
that during her tenure as Secretary of State both she and President Obama had
key elements in their natal or progressed charts going through the Tail of the
Scorpion stars. Those influences were “attacks but success” which turn to
“attacks that weaken”. She is still paying dearly for mistakes in impossible
So looking at her as a person, if she has been through so
much, can she handle what is ahead? Her Natal Moon is in Aquarius, probably why
she chose Bill Clinton, which is very favorably aspected in keeping her ideals
high and with the facts. I find it interesting that the Signing of the
Declaration of Independence had a moon in Aquarius. It is also interesting a
shared lunar sign in both Hillary and Donald Trump (his progressed Moon is in
Aquarius) but under very different auspices.
Great intellectual capacity can come with the set of
trines to Hillary’s natal destiny point and her view of the positive social
change. Because of the star Alcone on her Natal destiny point there is a level
of “Mystical But Judgmental” qualities. That does not settle well with many
people. As she was growing up and trying to fit into society, she was always a
step above others, in preparation of this moment in time. Her motives come from
a higher good. Looking at her surrounding friends, she has long time friends
that understand what she is trying to do and this will always give her support
on a very practical level. When she mentors something or someone, you know she
has your back. This is something that women in general find attractive.
A weakness and strength is the challenge to status quo,
particularly for women (a heavy Cancer influence) that are moving into a whole
new realm. No wonder many men of the old guard are frightened. This is from a
conjunction of three heavy planets in the 9th house of an education
from tough lessons in life. As a point of commonality she does things as
solutions present themselves. In real life, decisions are made with the best
available information. If that is incomplete, then you just have to get good at
guessing the best move. In this approach, social experiments occur, and they do
not always work. I think she has more than experimented with ideas, and is
ready to move into actions through experience rather than theory. Maybe we are
ready for that? Certainly the influence and pulse that Bernie Sanders has
demonstrated will create something completely different in the direction of our
country. They do share the Star Diadem “To Sacrifice One’s Self” in the house
of friendship. She would do well to keep him close and in confidence.
A look at the Midheaven is a better indicator of
leadership and as important is career path and life event. On Election Day Hillary
has the most significant aspects on this point. She has Regulus (the king
maker) on her Uranus (surprising changes) and the Transiting North Node (destiny
point) on her Midheaven. The transiting North Node is a destiny marker and it
is in her career house. Just a bit before that is the Star Regulus on her Natal
Midheaven or increase. She is a culmination of all her hard lessons and work to
meet this day as well as possible.
In summary, to compare Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump,
a closer look at the auspices of Regulus is a defining point. Donald Trump has
Regulus on his Ascendant which is all about ego development. The Presidency is
all about making him feel like a king with subjects. For Hillary Clinton it is
about unusual perspectives (Uranian qualities) creating a new destiny or
direction for a nation. Perhaps this will signal a first flag of the sacred
feminine in our national leadership? The Uranian influences in her chart, the
present times and the Signing of the Declaration of Independence (considered
the birth of the United States) gives many people an odd mixture of hope, shock
and awe, and fear of change all rolled into one, Thus creating a complicated
nation of contrasts.
A final note of what direction we go as a nation is
Hillary that has the Star Betelgeuse which is “Success Which Is Not Blocked” on
her Natal Uranus in the 8th house. 8th house
correspondences connect her with the signing and birth of our nation. This is
the house of legacies and I suspect she will be the ultimate winner in this
election. Simply because as a society, there is a big movement towards
enlightenment and Uranus usually will be well aspected in such an ascent. It
won’t be an easy administration, (nothing Uranian is) as she may need to deal
with some of the same things that our first black president had to endure. Which
was backlash from the jaded, corrupt and ego driven politic. Maybe this is more
of an election of the Congressional shift that will make a world of difference
as to efficacy of her administration. Maybe this election is saying more about
us than the candidates? How democratic. Do we want to really put up with the
necessary birthing pains to get the new one here? When it is time to give birth
you put up with the pain that is something only a woman understands.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen