Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology

Some general changes this week are a sense of urgency to get going with something you have been holding back. With the Sun finally moving into Sidereal Aries, the get up and go to accomplish your goal is there. Also through June 7th ,2016, a Grand Trine in fire will be holding a strong wave of power to make those goals possible. Any obstacles along the way are merely opportunities for creative adjustments. Stay on your toes for adjustments and direction. We have been in doldrums all winter and now Spring is going to give us a way to use that pent up energy. I hope you have been making your plans because now is the time to get the ball rolling. On June 7th, a Grand Square will occur like a seal of closure to this cosmic episode. So if you are making agreements, try to have all work in place by June 7th.  WEEKLY VIDEO FORECAST

With the T Square continuing, expect challenges to your plans and opportunities. A clue to what direction to take is whether there is a flow to progress or not. If you keep getting closed doors, be sure to re-evaluate and adjust. The energy to get it done is there, just be smart about how it is done and your desires are met. Like any artist in the journey to create a vision, rules of construction must be obeyed.  

The full moon will be on the 22nd  of April.  It is also Earth Day. I am so glad they started to celebrate and honor this time of year. So much of modern life takes us to enclosure and seclusion to the very pulse that gives us life and can bring absolute joy. Most areas are in full green and freshness. Bring some of that into your life by spending time in the sounds and atmosphere of nature.  

Friday, April 15th, well besides this being tax day, take that release of last year and do a bit of celebration. There are two Grand Trines today in both Fire and Water. Which translate to creative force and desires flowing together. Take the lessons of last fiscal year and dream big for changes this year. I know it is a election year and many opportunities are on hold, but positioning for the future is always a smart strategy. Almost every planet is involved in this set of trines, so take some time to work through the mists of illusion that are still present and see what you can grasp. I personally will be doing a visioning of what I want to see in my future. Taking notes of the steps involved for goals. Don’t put off this great day or evening and at least wish on the moon. Listen carefully for responses from higher beings. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, April 16th, while moments of increasing your emotional wellbeing are favored at this time, bear in mind that philosophical differences will be causing tension in your relationships. This is a great time to double check the source of your reactions. Dealing with past trauma? Don’t do that to your newest interest. Take a breath and stay present at all times. Keep words positive or honest. At any stage of the relationship game, hurt feelings can be hard to fix. Careful use of words will be respected, especially if you feel a blast of demands surfacing. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, April 17th, at this point of the Grand Trine in Fire, your personality conflicts will start to be less of a hindrance to your enjoyment of the love of life. The atmosphere is right for connecting up with synchronicities to enjoyment and better things to come. There is still a strong sense of denial and are we fooling ourselves in some expectation. Wake up today and let go of those heavy burdens of having it only your way. Life can be more marvelous when you know that a co-conspirator’s desires are just as interesting as what you could imagine. Open up to the change of winds. Maybe go fly a kite and remember what wonder there is in just utilizing what is naturally around you. Moon in Leo.

Monday, April 18th, another day of going with the flow. In many cases the change is within. Lose the internal struggle when faced with things you cannot change or control. This is a good day to recognize where you fit in the present set of events. Keep the positive energy that is around you so that the less desirable aspects don’t have room in your psyche. Moon in Leo until later this evening when it goes into Virgo.

Tuesday, April 19th, this will be a hard day to get down to the nitty gritty parts of life. Also health concerns may creep into your mind today. Much of it is psychological because of the intense energy going on right now bringing high energy to every situation. Take some time to do maintenance on your body so that the mind does not “crash” in the surge. This is a great time to take up yoga and get back on that healthy diet. Like any time of download, keeping the vessel in good running order is imperative to handling the next phase. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, April 20th, today you should start to feel better, but the stress of getting what you want will be greater. Stay on the health kick and stay away from the temptations. Feeling like a forced physical and mental make over can sabotage the strongest will. Remember not to reinvent the wheel as many things about your life just need fine tuning. Release the outdated to make room for what needs to expand. Be engaged in fine tuning your routine too so you can be your best during this time of action and creation. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, April 21st, the first days of breaking a bad habit are the toughest. More resistance to keeping the personal promise either to yourself or others will be more rational today. None the less, it will take some commitment to follow through until it is second nature. Amid the challenges, you will continue to see the benefit to your new goals set last Friday the 15th. Know that with every desire, there needs to be internal change as well. You want to greet the future with full energy and ability. Many of you have already pulled yourselves together so take some time to solidify those aspects and relax. Moon in Libra.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen

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