This week
has some changes that will warm the heart. Communications from your love
interests will keep the heart channel open. With the few things that have been
a hinderance, Venus going into Libra will be bringing joy and some security to
your relationship. It is a bit dicey to predict, but September 1st
will also start a T Square with Venus, Uranus in Rx and Mars. Meaning, keep commitments!
This will continue for a while. To add to that stressor a Grand Square will
follow afterwards locking you into a situation with your relationships. Where
you are when it is locked in makes the difference between working together on a
project or being in a cage. There is enough chaotic energy to keep it
interesting. Any hard work will start to bear fruit!
On September
5th Saturn in Sagittarius goes Station, or in other words stops its
motion (so stationary) on its way back to moving forward. This will get the
ball rolling next week for feeling more secure in a situation. Well, maybe not
secure but there is an affirmative for whatever you are starting to launch.
Remember Saturn is still in the “Tail of the Scorpion” and this one wounds.
This reminds me of karmic debts that have to be played out and reason or
freewill may not help you out. It is up to you to determine how you will be
remembered and how much you may compromise.
Friday, August 31st, a day to pull your act together
with new enthusiasm for your next project. Prepare for a launch like your
deadline is next week. You should be well versed in counterbalancing internal
opposition. Those moments that make us question can be turned into
understanding. When you step up your game to this wider perspective, you will
do great. On the romantic front passionate and loving responses will be met
with similar endearments. Moon in Aries.
Saturday, September 1st, this is a hard day to predict. The
chart for the day looks like a Golden Orb spider web. The good and the
difficult are woven into each other. This pattern will occur a number of times
this week. What it does lends more potential to finally rectify internal
struggles and come to some closure. This epiphany will take a few days to
unfold. So be patient. What stands out is an obsessiveness about what the
future holds or what it looks like. Since we really can’t totally control the
future, it would be best to keep an open mind about what it all will look like.
Consider how things feel rather than if it meets visual expectations. Moon in Aries.
Sunday, September 2nd brings a sense of peace and
gratitude to those who are successfully navigating the tight rope of events and
demands. I think this day will have you putting some work into your home or
material projects, like a hobby or house repair. The outer world doesn’t always
allow us to feel in control of our destiny, but when you make your home better,
that you can sit back and admire at the end of the day. Should be a job well
done! Moon in Taurus.
Monday, September 3rd, the news of the day will give you
hope for the future. Pieces are falling into place but be patient about the
final “gel”. Where your mind is has more influence on the outcome than usual.
Keep it quick, nimble and ready to solve any problem. Consider resistance
actually a second chance to fine tune something before it goes on line. Moon in
Tuesday, September 4th, expect a flood of details to overcome
your situation. Today is when too much information will just dumbfound you. Beware
of distractions because you can’t sort things out. If need be, get another
objective perspective on something that needs to be done. If you tend to be anxiety
prone, try to overcome it in steps. The wheels of change are upon us, but
moving slowly. Moon in Gemini.
Wednesday, September 5th, there is a double Grand Trine in
Air and Fire today which gives you full to get things done. The difficulties
are known so use intellect and courage to face off any restrictions. Still not
time to jump into actual creative force, but getting very close. If you believe
in manifesting things with positive thought, this is the perfect morning to
visualize the pieces coming together. If you see some adjustments in what is
happening, go with it. You can’t connect with creative forces unless you are
under harmonized actions. Moon in Gemini.
Thursday, September 6th, what got going yesterday is now
locked in with a Grand Square. This will go on for a while, so use this time to
fine tune and develop what you are doing. Saturn goes Station today so the
internal understanding of your motivations and the sustainability are ready for
a debut. Good luck and I hope you shine! Moon in Cancer.