Thursday, June 14, 2018



This week starts out with the Sun entering Gemini. Every perspective and angle to a situation keeps many caught in thought without much being actually done. Always an exciting time on its own but there are other things that are just continuingly applying pressure for change and truth. The down side, other than the seemingly endless struggle is it may well be affecting your ability to cope. Watch out for unhealthy coping mechanisms this week.

Mars will be just passing an exact opposition to the North Node this week. The general theme of a transit is as it approaches the aspect, in this case an opposition, the key parts of a struggle line up. As it passes, the real issue is crystallized and then plays out when the movement pulls forward. 

Unfortunately, Mars will be shortly going retrograde bringing the attention to your present issues over and over again. Fortunately, Venus is just far enough away that personal relationship problems will be more manageable. That will pick back up in July when Venus rolls around to the North Node/Mars opposition. If you have handled your relationship problems, the test of how that will work out is up for review for a while. Stay engaged so that all parties know you are trying.

By the 18th be ready to launch something important but know that a window of a couple of days will then turn into dealing with what you actually got. It will be a test of perseverance to bring the project into fruition. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Friday, June 15th, amid the myriad of stressors, one glimmer of hope runs through the day. A Grand Trine in Air connecting our intuitive nature, big plans and opportunities and the general comraderies of like minded people helps you intellectually navigate this particularly difficult week. Call it fatigue, but the weekend never looked better. Moon in Gemini.

Saturday, June 16th, odds are you will leave home angry. Weird things are all around and you are just being too emotional with everything. Time to carefully speak and act if you want to preserve your closest relationships. Annoying habits will be noticed and words will be spoken. We all need to work on certain things, and this day will make it very clear what you presently need to work on. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, June 17th, if you can think before you speak, reason will return. A Grand Trine in Air brings communications, self-driven opportunities and connection to the whole. Expect it to help you through this week. Illusion will be ever present, but you can sort through the veils to find clarity. Moon in Cancer.

Monday, June 18th, if you can muster self-motivation and leaning into life with some optimism, the double Grand Trine in Air and Fire will get you going on that new project of finishing up one that got dropped before it was done. In the evening take some time to make a few wishes that will bring opportunities your way. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, June 19th, this morning, put your best foot forward as luck will grace those who have the most drive or best ideas. It fizzles by midday, but there is still a lot of potential later in the day. You just may need to make the final connections in person. Romance is likely to be challenged right now, but instead of lingering over that, do something invigorating. Sometimes things just get boring and you need to find something interesting to share. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, June 20th, communication is still leading us down interesting venues. In the midst of a hot summer, it is good to channel that creativity. Think big, think twice and find your footing. At the same time a Grand Square with the Moon makes our emotional nature finicky, obsessive and overworked. What you have created up to now will get locked into place. Carefully sort what seems to be roadblocks into moments to make course corrections and perfections without burning out. Moon goes into Virgo by evening.

Thursday, June 21st, a ghost of the restrictions of yesterday will prevail for a while. It is because some of the creativity and gumption of the previous days has turned into details. Take a slower approach to your project so that it is refined during this period rather than debilitated with being nitpicky. Keep the mind rested for the restarts of the next few days. Even if you just want to go home and lick your wounds. Work through the difficulties. Moon in Virgo.

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