Have you
noticed that some people are doubling down on staying in the past or not facing
the needed future? Well this week the messaging will remain stuck but the
situation will start to move away from actual stagnation. Like walking away
from a radio, the impact will shift to more important issues. The important
thing for most people is to walk your talk. If someone isn’t, then call them
out on it. Just after Valentine’s day, both the Sun and Mercury will be fully
engaged in Aquarius. Unfortunately, there are lots of squares and oppositions;
some of the opportunities will be in short supply to actually move into
something more humanitarian. Key here is positive dialogue will come from the
strangest places. Carefully choose the voices you hear.
The North
Node or destiny point will be trine with the Ascendant and Mars. In simple
speak this means that those acting authentically and spiritually will have an
easier ride this next couple of weeks. While that is usually good advice at any
time, it is particularly important right now. Curb the anger and speak plainly.
This is also a time to depend on what you experience rather than what you are
being lead to think. There are some competing worlds out there and you are
their only strength. Don’t feed the beast.
For those
lovers out there, this is a fantastic week to connect on higher ideals that
bring security and honor. While Cupid is known for antics rather than true
companionship, set your force fields on deflector to arrows and settle into
what is genuine and lasting. Eros needs to take a back seat too. Messaging that
is crude should be disconnected. They are on the wrong track.
Friday, February 9th, the Moon and Mars connect today in
Scorpio. The conflicts are when the cold hard realities of money and misfortune
seem to color our future. When focus needs to be on transforming into home,
hearth and sanctuary. If you catch yourself in a bad spot, shift your focus
where the heart is and the day will turn sweeter. Moon in Scorpio.
Saturday, February 10th, with all the conflicts affecting
us, a new sense of security needs to be found. Sometimes we are better off than
we are lead to believe. I do think that a glimmer of a simpler, more
emotionally fulfilling change is in the works. There is no room for over
indulgence today! Pick up something related to new philosophy and read this
evening or gather with friends and discuss something different. Moon in Sagittarius.
Sunday, February 11th, rather than fighting something
complicated, take this time to recharge your batteries in all ways. There will
be better days to fight though difficult projects. A lot of time should be
spent in contemplation rather than doing. Moon in Sagittarius.
Monday, February 12th, mid-morning your intuition should
be activated. If you don’t function well under emotional intelligence, then ask
someone else to decide on a problem that defies logic. Media will be confusing
either due to deliberate actions or because not all the facts are out there and
people still have to talk about something. Don’t believe everything you hear
because the Jabberwocky is on a hot mike. Moon in Sagittarius until early
evening when it goes into Capricorn.
Tuesday, February 13th, yesterday’s game is still at play
today. Rather than try to figure it out, which is not possible, focus on your
own practice and maintain positive space. When we reliably come from
discernment, then mistakes and manipulations have less of a place in our lives.
We are starting to make a shift into seeing life as a human rather than a cog
in the wheel. Moon in Capricorn.
Wednesday, February 14th, this Valentine’s day, which comes
to you as either a bane of delight, depending on your personal situation. The
Moon being in Capricorn says “show me how much you love me”. Fortunately, there
will be so many concrete ways you can show devotion throughout the day that
expensive gifts probably won’t be necessary. Definitely show up and I do
suggest lots of great chocolate. Never forget the chocolate. Moon in Capricorn.
Thursday, February 15th, there is a Stellum in Aquarius
today. So, make sure you are functioning in an awake manner. The Moon, our
emotional nature, will touch on communications, how people present themselves,
what you desire the most and how it fits with your companions and
relationships. Don’t worry about having to be touchy feely, reason and
discourse will be much better. Even keep your thoughts on a positive and
authentic course. It all matters. Moon in Aquarius.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
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