Thursday, February 22, 2018



A overall trend for this week is understanding how the Stellum (Venus, Neptune, Mercury and the Sun all in Aquarius) are interacting with us daily. Our desires for harmonious and ideal outcomes will be challenged. Keep up the fight, as we are forced to focus on what is important through the week. By next week, Venus will change into Pisces bringing either great depression or some empathy towards our common situation.

Another key element is Chiron and Jupiter are still well connected so if you are working on your health or any matter that relates to you general wellbeing, you will have opportunities to develop strength of mind and heart. This is important you take this time as by the beginning of spring, real test well get difficult to navigate. You want to be at your best and focused rather than just bumbling through life. Outcomes can be very different depending on which path you chose for yourself. Only personal actions that create a better future will be favored by the flow of future consciousness.

We are approaching a full moon on March 1st. leading up to this cyclic event we will see things go for stubbornness- too much information- to deep seated anxiety or emotional intelligence. Keep it higher minded as anything else will be very depressing.

Friday, February 23rd, just admit that some things are out of your control. You may want to do something to make a difference, but at this junction today, the mettle of those making the final decisions will be tested. You probably won’t like it either. The Moon is heavily challenged by the Stellum which means stubbornness and roughness can ooze out of the most forgiving soul when they see things unnecessarily going in a negative direction. Consider this a time that tests certain people, and judgement will follow soon after. Stay vigilant.  Moon in Taurus.

Saturday, February 24th, expect a shift in the fates today. Let the unusual synchronies help you understand what is happening. When you do, then action can be directed at the right agenda. Don’t fall into laziness or despair, as the past is done, and we need to move forward into the future with resolve. Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, February 25th, you may hear some good news, but be wary that you aren’t being manipulated. Take in the information as a point of data. There may be several sub plots going on so just consider where each data point goes rather than try to make sense of it being one big story. Moon in Gemini.

Monday, February 26th, through most of the day, the latest news or communications will start to gel into a loose form. This is very different than what has been presented or shall we say projected on Plato’s cave wall of illusions. Are you starting to pick up the messages of what is actually going on? I sure hope so! Moon goes into Cancer by evening.

Tuesday, February 27th, there is a strong obsessive tendency to get things moving into the future. It is like we have been stuck in no man’s land for a long time. We pick up the nuances and data points, but not why they happened. Maybe we just don’t like being impolite and the “reason” is really despicable. If you can latch on to what is really the direction for us, then the flow will take you swiftly where you need to be. Little will be recognizable today, so a bit of faith you are doing your best, and this is all you can do has to present your inner center. Moon in Cancer.

Wednesday, February 28th, get ready to do what you can that will benefit you in the future. Watch for synchronicities or unusual opportunities to present themselves. Consider you are on a carousel and if you are positioned well, the golden ring can be grabbed. Having that inner intuition is what will set things in motion. Tomorrow the intuition will be gone, but the opportunity remains. Moon in Cancer until this evening and then it is in Leo.

Thursday, March 1st, avoid aggression and only work on things that are sustainable. This is your day to move into actions of the highest order. If you are still fighting principled actions, the reverse exposure will occur. There is a level of success at all costs. But this is not sustainable. In our lives we have to realize that sometimes what we want is not meant to be. Either we are out of touch with reality or egocentric motivations are in control. Neither is good right now. But there is time in the future to understand what went wrong, and how to adjust. Life is like that; second chances can come to those who get the message. Moon in Leo.

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Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen

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