Thursday, June 29, 2017



Through this week there are going to be some days with double Grand Trines. The different days will have some mixed energies instead of like all fire or all air. That means that initiating or pulling together projects may need more than just thought and action. Grounding and transformation will be necessary also. Could be a very magical week for those who call on that spirit of creation.

To counter this good news, is the T Square will continue to haunt those in big positions until July the 13th. Those trapped in positions that must change will be waging harsh and cruel words. That energy will downgrade if those words don’t transform into something practical or …. Well the flip side is failure. Watch your own words as things spouted off will come back to haunt you. Try to keep it civil.

Romance this week will be more of living in the moment rather than something fixed and stale. Take time to evaluate what is feeling right and make adjustments. Little changes and check ins along the way lend to better communication and understanding. The nature of summer is here! Try to relax and just go with the flow for a while. New adventures may come out of nowhere. Especially those from the back yard.

Friday, June 30th, today will be mostly influenced by the Moon swooping past Jupiter in Virgo bringing an irrational obsession with numbers, details and minutia. If you are about to present something significant, take the time to double check your data, and have someone else review it. Nothing worse than to get stuck in one mind set and miss the obvious. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, July 1st, the T Square that is affecting those in high places with particularly harsh words spewing everywhere. Expect deaf ears as special details are missed. Watch for shifts in dialogue as the reality starts to sink in. For the rest of us mortal folks, take some time to do your own personal review. Look for ways to adjust your thinking in a more helpful perspective. This is the energy that is encouraged today. We can do little but voice opinions in the bigger world, but in the everyday, we can just take some time to love, eat and live with special people. Moon in Libra by evening.

Sunday, July 2nd, this is a day of one of those Grand Trines in Air and Fire with Scorpio. Perseverance is more of a key word for the day as the Moon in Libra will be opposite the old trickster, Uranus, in Aries. Don’t rely on your emotions to carry you through. They will be challenged all day with outbursts and demands for decorum. A better way to deal with that energy would be to test your ability to center and stay grounded and simply look at the situation instead of reacting to it. Otherwise a really cool day as things will roll around. Moon in Libra.

Monday, July 3rd, what a difference a day makes as the Moon joins up with one of the Grand Trines bringing great news, and positive results from Friday’s extra efforts. If you are really in the flow of energy, you will have some celebrating with your coworkers or that person who helped you fine tune Friday’s work. Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, July 4rd, not a great day for romance, but is a great day for mastering some elusive emotional shift. You may simply wake up and feel different. Internal work that has been touchy, will suddenly start to feel like you have made it through an initiation into some next level stuff. Don’t be surprise if it throws off some people around you. As you are moving into a next phase and they may be left behind, unless they catch up. Don’t worry, there will be others to create with at this next phase. Happy Anniversary America. The truths will be more important than ever and a shift will be obvious. With the mischief maker Uranus potentially sending out false news, just double check what you hear or are told, and make your positive mark on the experiment we call American Democracy. For lovers, there is a fair chance that the heat will expand into your relationships. Watch the words and harsh actions. Forgiveness might be harder down the road. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, July 6th, later this afternoon a coming together is needed and listen to what is offered. The morning will bring promise, but the afternoon is when the goods are delivered. There is such a swirl of interesting stuff happening. If the average Joe or Jane can keep it real and civil, could be a turning point. But don’t get to excited as the Full Moon may stifle things again. Two steps forward, and one step back. Take it as it comes today. Moon in Scorpio.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, June 22, 2017



All of this week a T Square with Jupiter/Pluto and Mars could fluster big plans. There are several very nice cosmic flows surround it. What the T Square implies is that some major change that is in the works will be either massaged into something palatable or that it will flounder. Again, with Jupiter in Virgo, things that don’t have the proper vetting will be a mess. In your own life, just make sure that all your I’s are dotted and T’s crossed.

Another important aspect is Saturn is at 29* which means there is an avalanche of what is wrong coming into view. It is like all the hidden or dismissed problems just come back into focus. This will continue to plague those who are ready for the next level because Saturn will go retrograde for a while. Meaning that things will back off, then come to head again. Make sure you have healthy coping mechanisms because this Saturn in Scorpio aspect is stressful.

Midday each day this week will be a short lived Grand Trine with Venus/horizon/Pluto. A great time to take you lunch and make strong efforts to reset your energy and drive. Then it will be back to work, hopefully renewed.

Friday, June 23rd begins with a lot of gusto to get your work done, but as the weight of news starts to overwhelm you with stark, cruel reality, it will be time to call it a day. If you can’t miss working in the afternoon, then unhook from media and focus. Your choice. Moon in Gemini.

Saturday, June 24th, the Stellum in Gemini today that has some really difficult aspects to it. The focus will be on persona and appearances. Entirely possible that bad news in some form will make it your way. There is more concern for those in power rather than the worker bee unless you tend to get bullied or trashed when the higher up is upset. Watch your back today! Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, June 25th, spend this day doing some internal reflection. If you can steer yourself towards compassion, more people will win. But if not, sort out why anger or frustration is bubbling beneath your otherwise cool exterior. A day for meditation, yoga and a good meal with friends and family. Keep it low key. Moon in Cancer.

Monday, June 26th, Romance could take a hit today. So, if you can, channel that energy into some sort of creative endeavor. With the energy of a Moon in Cancer well aspect to Jupiter in Virgo maybe a better day to spend your off time tending your garden. Getting wet and dirty after work will help connect you back with the power of being human and part of the cycle of life. Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday, June 27th, beware of the ego trip today. Things that you want may have to run the gauntlet of pushy sells people or bait and switch advertisements. Read between the line carefully in messages with those you love and things that you want. Could be a “gotcha” moment for hasty people. Moon in Leo.

Wednesday, June 28th, it will be very hard to sort out what is the truth and what is spin. Everything will have a mix of both! The moon will oppose Neptune today bringing conflicts what we think we want or think we see is in question. Consider how you need to rethink your position. Tomorrow will be completely different. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, June 29th, things are looking up today as a double Grand Trine will bring some fascinating and healing situations. Maybe it will be a boost in humanity. Maybe it will be a great opportunity that emerges after all the things that have fallen apart over the last few days. Watch your health today as the latest stress has been draining vital energy. Tend to yourself with love. Tomorrow will be a dip down on the roller coaster of life.  Moon in Leo.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, June 15, 2017



This week will start off with the couple week effects of the Sun/Mercury opposite Saturn in Sagittarius. With the Sun in Gemini which is the ruler of Mercury. There is some resonation between them. But the opposition pushes for a facing the facts of personal behavior in the real world. If it comes up personally, then big lessons should be first and foremost in your thoughts. On a larger scale, all you can do is test your perspectives as they come up for review. To explain this with my dry humor, a lot of what we see and hear on the bigger arena is constipated right now. Don’t get caught in the back log. Expect bigger and better of those in that realm.

Neptune in Aquarius is going retrograde also, so be sure to do the internal work when it comes up. It wouldn’t hurt any of us to double check what comes out of or fingers or lips. If you are careless, be prepared for feedback. Where you heart resides will determine your experience. Aquarius tests our ideals and ideas. Both are fluid for adjustment to a higher good. Go there.

Romance this week will probably flow well for those who speak clearly, consider all situations, and take personal initiative when you can. Everyone loves a partner who will take care of their own complicated to do list. Your partner will appreciate you letting them just do their weekend stuff, and just getting together when you have time for each other. Just remember to tell them basically what is happening. The uninformed mate will over think their situation if you are mysterious… unless you are planning a surprise party. Then they will forgive you.

Friday, June 16th, begins the Neptune in Aquarius Retrograde. This is a slow-moving planet, which means it relates to tangible but tangent connections to your life. I think you should take some time to reevaluate your role as citizen, family member or group member over the next few weeks. This position will be shifting for a while. The Aquarian aspect puts ideals and ideas on the negotiating table. Change wisely. The outcome of cause and effect is tremendous when the chaos has been 
mixing things up for a while. Reorganize into something cohesive and friendly. Moon in Aquarius.

Saturday, June 17th, with the shift of the Moon conjunct to Chiron in Pisces, take care not to over imbibe or consume to calm your emotions. It would be better to get objective help with your issues and then pick up or re-instate a healthy habit. These days our minds are just pushing us past our limits. Modern life has had its perks but with those perks comes energetic adjustments including forgiving yourself for mistakes. Moon in Pisces.

Sunday, June 18th, today will be another day to process the week with hopes that yesterday’s progress is incorporated into your routine. A good day to lay low, play it safe, and be good to yourself and those you love. Most other big things you want done will have problems meeting with success. You are just worn out, so rest. Moon in Pisces.

Monday, June 19th, consider this a day of extraordinary complexity and “surprises”. Everyone’s definition of “surprises”, of course, can vary greatly. I would like to press many people to take a moment and think how they can make things a bit more connected and compassionate. You have no idea how you can help change events. Chose to be proactive. Moon in Aries.

Tuesday, June 20th, the Moon is sweeping next to Venus today. I find this time of year magical and pregnant with opportunity. Create some summertime wishes that are greeted with whimsy and wishes. This evening venture outside and track fire flies and rustlings in the bushes and consider what comes up from your soul. I have a special garden space that I consider inhabited with the Faery. If you are so inclined to have a trust in the unseen forces in nature, ask for help to let go of past hindrances, baggage, or unreasonable fears, and then wish for something powerful for this summer. If you are awakened before dawn, go out for a viewing to the east where you will find Venus and the sliver of the moon. Make a pact with yourself to move forward in a positive direction, either emotionally or in attaining a goal. Moon in Aries.

Wednesday, June 21st, this is the official start of summer. Here in Oklahoma, it has been summer for a few weeks. Yes, there is a lot of stress in our lives. Much of which can be and should be managed. But remember that new things that bring joy, cause stress too. Focus on what you can proactively create during this summer. And then make quick plans to do so. Moon in Gemini by mid-morning.
Thursday, June 22nd, another great day to put your short-term goals into place. While there are flaky influences in the mix, know that with focus, you can achieve more than expected. As the world turns so do restrictions and fleeting connections. Steer your drive towards things that are grounded in what is already here and then add to that. Like deeper understandings of your sweetheart’s motivations. Good luck!  Moon in Capricorn.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, June 8, 2017



Friday, June 9th, The full moon just makes this an even crazier and exciting day. So much so that the stress could overwhelm you. The key to handling the chaotic energies of the day is to recognize that inner truths are essential for focusing your energy and getting things done. An old but powerful lesson is that of knowing the “inner bell”. If you are in touch with it, your inner magician will move effortlessly. If it is off, well, you will learn a very powerful lesson about telling the truth. Moon in Scorpio until early evening.

Saturday, June 10th. Should be a lot of good news coming through today. Exciting times, albeit highly unconventional. Really important for those working a conscientious life to stay grounded today. There is still a strain on the group consciousness through June 16th. Continuing through this time, vigilance on truth vs propaganda is imperative. After that, Neptune will go Retrograde bringing in deep inner dialogues of who you are and where you have been. Journal during this time about whatever your experience and then compare notes as to where you want to be. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, June 11th, this could be a day of tough choices and good news. Sometimes we are pressed to do more than we think we can. But when destiny calls, it is always best to take the lead and make the transformation. the trick will be trying to sort out which is which due to some veiled issues still lurking. In the spirit of the past Sagittarius moon, consider the journey as part adventure and partly getting to a goal. On this level, it is our best guess where we should be going. Do your best and there will be no regrets (win or lose)! Moon is Capricorn.

Monday, June 12th, with Mercury taking a pivotal power in the skies though June 15th, information and ideas will be flying like monkeys. Connect the dots to the next level which causes personal opinions to change and outlooks to shift. Here is your chance to choose what wavelength you want of harmonize. Choose carefully as today has a Grand Square and you could be stuck in that rut for a while. Moon in Capricorn.

Tuesday, June 13th, the Sun has moved into Gemini with Mercury close to its heels. There is an opposition with Saturn that started a few days ago and will run until June 22nd. Challenges to how to work things out has our attention. The bigger the game, the higher the stakes. Unsettling will be the key word for this time. Just when you thought you could take no more, things get punched up a notch. Perhaps the bigger lesson is what do you do in times of uncertainty? As human beings we are also adjusting to the flood of information due to technology. Our nervous systems are not geared for this sustained pressure. Here is when we learn to observe, ascertain, and then proactively address what is happening in the big and small areas of life. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, June 14th, those who are good at understanding data, will be hard at work connecting the dots. Still some things hidden, yes I know I have been saying that for some time, but the stars are not concerned about how long the pressure is applied. It is our job to know when and where to apply what happens at home and our immediate lives and what the future holds. Moon in Aquarius this evening.

Thursday, June 15th, keep it simple today. Obstructions come from the least expected places. Be wise and don’t overcommit and let others down. Neptune is starting to go station (no motion before heading backward) and clear answers are still just out of reach. Going into a time of learning to find your grounding or centering activities and get serious about daily routines. Just to keep your sanity. Moon in Aquarius.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, June 1, 2017



The week starts out with Venus and Uranus exact. With both in Aries right now, fresh beginnings or newly found drive to success will dominate. This is great for relationships that now need to understand that there is connection and freedom to do your chosen work without fear of loss. Ultimately, lasting relationships thrive when both are allowed to be the best they can be and still connect back when time allows.

For the rest of the week, Mars in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius will continue to force issues of how much is rightful power and how much is compensation for insufficiencies. Last week we saw the first level of discovering how dysfunctional that dance of opposites can be.  A level of cruelty of action continues. This week further discoveries of what is known right now. Could be very interesting for those in a battle of wills with perceived incompetence. Could be very uncomfortable for those involved. Jupiter and Pluto are also squared this week, and for a while. That means pressure to ask needed questions in light of uncontroversial data or truths.

Friday, June 2nd, will bring a lot of luck to those who start the day out early. That wave of opportunity through personal effort will give you more than you expected. There will be communications that are real game changers as Mercury trine Pluto starts a cascade of revelations over the next few days. Mostly good news, even if you have to shift your perspective to adjust to the reality. Be aware that starting today, big issues may have lots of obfuscation. Check your sources. Also, some people and situations will be boxed into a corner! For some people, health news will dominate. Moon in Virgo by mid-morning.

Saturday, June 3rd, Jupiter and the Moon in Virgo are connecting today. These two together mean the importance of details and follow through. There is a square with Mars in Gemini that will awaking the cruelty of those who try to dominate on shaky ground. With the mixed powerful influences right now, those in questionable authority will try extra hard to hide their insufficiencies. Moon in Virgo.

Sunday, June 4th, as the day progresses, those lovers may notice the quirks of their beloved. Remember that details may be important in somethings, but not in all matters. An important day for pivotal judgement calls on what you can handle vs. ignore with a smile and a nod. After the morning, things could get stressful without an avenue to mitigate solutions. Take plenty of time to just center your feelings before you say much. Tomorrow will be a bigger test of holding your tongue. Moon in Libra by late afternoon.

Monday, June 5th, send quirky love notes to someone special. This is either to cover up something hastily said or omissions in the course of living, ie forgotten anniversaries. So much hinges on what your feelings may be. Fortunately, the Libra moon can see the rationale if honesty is open and verbalized. At this point, much of any work towards a project is probably out of your personal control. Let it go out into the field of others doing their work and wait for word back on your next step. Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, June 6th, just for today, the Moon will trine Neptune in Aquarius (our collective sense of humanity and ideals). There will be a gut connection with what the next level of plans will look like, but be cautious as there is still veils of illusion because the Sun in Taurus squaring Neptune. That level of illusion creates a mixed message environment. Do your homework so you know which is good news and what is hype. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, June 7th, right now use your emotional energy to heal or involve your energy in mental health. Some people just need to connect with nature, some need a massage to release all the physical stress, and some just need to meditate to find their center and solutions. There is no hint as to how the future will progress so all you can do is focus on yourself and know peace at home. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, June 8th, try to keep your cool when you hear something contrary to what you know. This is a life test! When you have worked hard at being your best and always evolving into your best form, you will now find information that is contrary to what you know. Mercury is being a real stinker today and your emotions will have every button pushed. Remember yesterday’s trials and recall how to center. Don’t say something that will be regretted. Instead, be cool even if others lose theirs. Unfortunately, tomorrow will be even more trying. Pace yourself! Moon in Scorpio.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
