Thursday, April 6, 2017



This week the Sun in Pisces starts to conjunct Uranus. Normally this would illuminate the culprit of mischievousness, but instead it is going to leave most conscious people wondering why they feel so weird. Yes, something is up and it is being kept subterranean. Mercury goes retrograde later this week also so any information that comes to light get confirmation before you accept it as truth. The catch will be, that additional info will only bring up more questions. Start keeping track of each item and eventually the puzzle will be solved. This will go on for a couple of weeks, so any project you are working on or story you are following will have some unexpected twists. For those so inclined, consider this like a mystery, it is just real time.

Venus is still in retrograde in Pisces and she is connecting up with the wounded healer, Chiron. What is poorly aspected is the sense of security. What is well aspected is explorations into transformation. This is when relationships either split of evolve. I wish you all luck in evolving together.

All this week will be good for getting your mojo working on what is your next level of activity. Spring usually finds us ready to take on what has been waiting and gestating over the winter; but with the weirdness around us, that makes it hard to focus on taking a stand or burning bridge. Just ask yourself, is this something that is leaving the old worn out actions behind or are you rehashing past baggage?

Friday, April 7th, with the Moon and North Node in Leo today, there are some wondrous wind currents taking you to your future. Think leadership, reliability, and courage. If these work into your agenda today, you will be able to sail the winds of change like a pro. Moon in Leo.

Saturday, April 8th, the key words today are independence, courage and honor. What you started yesterday will need your same level of investment into the events of the day. A lot will happen today so stay alert and positive. Attitude is everything to ride with the currents of success. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, April 9th, today is like a glimpse into the future. Uranus goes into Aries just as Mercury goes Station. Station is when the little Hermes becomes still before he goes backwards. This shift means that new direction has happened, but getting strait information on it will be dicey. As Mercury starts to head back to Uranus, then the bits of truth will me macerated with the propaganda and mistakes. Some of the obscuring is intentional and some of it is because things are so shocking that confirmation needs to be made first. For me, I am still looking for disclosure over aliens …. Could be our week for that! Moon in Virgo.

Monday, April 10th, those falling out of love or redefining it, first consider how you will feel if what they fantasize about actually comes to fruition. I am a firm believer in trusting my instincts or gut feelings. The Moon is conjunct with retrograde Jupiter today, so be sure of your facts before you blow up something out of proportion. The pressure is to be uncomfortable enough yet compassionate enough to make evolutionary changes. Lots of obsessiveness in all areas. So, follow the lead of practicality of Moon in Virgo and think before you speak.

Tuesday, April 11th, an interesting situation is setting up today. Through mistakes, the right word goes to the right ear creating more understanding of something important in your life. Yes, there will be some garbage out there filling the air waves. So, analyze all that is said or printed. Think about puzzles or riddles being your only way to get to the truth. For those who like a mental challenge, could be an intriguing day. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, April 12th, watch your speech today. There will be an impulse to get something out, but the timing is all wrong. We all deal with impetuousness from time to time. Don’t get caught with misinformation. If you need to get something out, but are unsure, simple open up dialogue for discussion. That way the silly things that come out are not under “hard facts” but discussion of ideas. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, April 13th, by mid-day, just about every aspect happening will be under some really positive circumstances. Go with the flow if you don’t have any specific agenda and see just what is discovered. But beware, Mercury is in retrograde and info can be convoluted during its back track to Uranus. But there is a method and reason for the madness! Moon in Libra until evening when it goes into Scorpio.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


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