for romance and relationships is rather easy. Make sure you make the necessary
adjustments to changing conditions. This does not mean allowing someone to use
or hurt you… that is your queue to leave and make a new life. But it does mean
if you have held onto impossible or difficult expectations you need to shift.
All week will give you a feeling of insecurity. To deal with this, keep it
friendly and aware of stress on the other side of the equation. The old adage,
“hold on loosely” is well heeded this week.
The next
couple of weeks will be not only filled with bad downloads but crazy
information from who knows where. This is just a hunch, but there are some big
players that want to cover their tracks on a big shady agenda. They will do
anything to make themselves look right. Expect new twists on the propaganda
machine, and it may have an origin that you don’t first expect. Ask yourself
who does this benefit?
Friday, April 21st, brings a day where those who do the
work and navigate the oceans of changes will be on top of the world. Some of
the toughest parts of your day will revolve around how you balance community vs
ego. Using the old games of the past will not make up for missing your mark. A
lot of the world picture is reflected into our everyday life. Notice that the
crumbling structure of abuse is being exposed, rooted out or self-implosion. Be
wary of where you might be caught in the fall out! Moon in Aquarius.
Saturday, April 22nd, as the world seems to tumble along
its axis without your permission, please be aware that you need to check in
with your intuition and the shared collective consciousness. When we get out of
touch, that is when things start to go toxic. Try to curb the local hysteria by
staying informed and having the fortitude to hear what others are thinking. Not
only will you have insights to what else is being said, but you will probably
feel more secure. Do watch out for those feaking out. The next few days will be
ever more evident with Mercury conjuncting Uranus. Moon in Aquarius.
Sunday, April 23rd, today will be best spent on
personal hygiene, including some spiritual hygiene. The day starts out with
wondering how far things have gone and the only way to deal with it is to look
inward and do something to make you energetically stronger. The Moon shifts
into Pisces by noon, and the temptation for libations to flow is strong. Which
is the last thing you want to do because you could fall into a deep depression.
Treatments that ease the body, like massages or beauty treatments and things that
restore the soul, like healthy meals, gentle walks and lots of hydration will
serve your best interests. Your mission is to create a fully responsive
physical vehicle. My favorite are hot tubs or hot springs… if you are that
lucky to be close to one! Moon in Pisces.
Monday, April 24th, as the week starts out, your drive
is to have wealth and prosperity shower down on you, but the security of any
gains is doubtful. This is a better day to be aware of misguided attachments
and strive more for finding the pulse of what is the next level. Could be a
tough day if you don’t have your emotions in check. Moon in Pisces.
Tuesday, April 25th, we want what we want, but just
can’t seem to get there. This is a better day to just focus on your inner self.
There are periods where you need to just sit out from the action. Part of the
situation is so much is happening on the larger scale, that the individual
world is stuck in neutral due to overload or chaos. Moon in Pisces.
Wednesday, April 26th, as we emerge into the new day with
a more self-reliant perspective, know that yesterdays’ emotional assaults can
be a way to a new beginning. As long as your self-reliance is more of “what can
I do for the country”, you will have momentum. Emotions at this time really are
worn out and just need to see something happen. Just make the energy proactive
rather than add to the fear porn. Moon in Aries.
Thursday, April 27th, for many, yesterday’s initiatives
are becoming a value addition to both personal change and how the rest of us
are operating. A great day to help another. Helping those who really need it,
like the old lady next door who could use checking on and maybe fixing a light
bulb. Not a good day to give to the indigent. They are in a very difficult
place and may react against you because they are caught in the dysfunction of
the past. Save that help for another day. Moon in Aries.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
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