In general,
this will be more of a week of getting a pet project launched and finding your
way in the unknown. Keep it honorable, inspirational and watch the doors open.
I would be negligent if I did not have a disclaimer that those who operate from
ego or purely self interest, will find big life lessons happening…. Yes like
you have to adjust your inner self to fit with the general scheme of things.
Some timing issues are also in play because while this is a good time to start
something, it is not necessarily a quick turnaround to success. That depends on
the goal and how it fits with the times.
Friday, December 9th, starts with a push for practical
action. The bigger the reality check the better! I know there will be bruised
egos out there, but all this will not feel very good. When you experience this
twinge of guilt or reluctance, it is something in you that has to shift. That issue
covers your world view as well as dealing with the uncertainties of life. They
are always there to keep up moving forward. Moon in Pisces.
Saturday, December 10th, this could be a very interesting
day. There is a set of Grand Trines in fire and water which can bring a lot of
energy towards starting a deeply desired goal. The things favored during the
day are setting up documents and communications. Then in the evening, from 9:17
(21.17) pm to 10:21 (22:21) pm in Central Time (USA), I suggest doing a
meditation which includes doing your work in a busy environment and shining
light on your efforts so that everyone sees them. Could also be a good time,
after the meditation, to launch the project on line. Otherwise today will be a
day of gathering info, including hidden info, and setting the first step to
prosperity in your new endeavor. Sometimes it is easy to forget when something
crumbles, there are pieces to be re organized and put into future use. Hard to
let go of the known for the unknown. Please take note, that the future will
have lots of things to navigate, so this is just a good launch time! Moon in
Sunday, December 11th, some of the reality of what you
have launched will cause you to question yourself. If you are unsure of your
ability to fulfill everything, take a step back and just remember that most
endeavors are based on the ability to learn, adjust, maneuver around the
changing times. Don’t overly obsess, but just start a “to do” list for Monday.
Review it later for prioritizing. Of particular importance, consider the way the
social situation fits with your agenda. Instead of giving up, simply visualize
how the two can come together eventually. This only means you will understand
more of a time line for your project. Go with that flow! Moon in Aries.
Monday, December 12th, with the weekends positive energies
starting to dwindle, you will start to see the serendipitous changes to your
foundations. Expect these happy accidents or situations to continue through
most of the week. The hard part will be uncertainty and fear of the unknown. These
are there for a reason. This time it is to test your resolve and abilities. If
you have a good foundation in your efforts or projects, then you will be fine.
If you have based those efforts on ego and fantasy, don’t expect much to
happen. Definitely an esoteric component to any actions we take now. This is a
big lesson for those who embark of transforming ideas into reality. Like
knowing your sources, motivations and your foundations. For those wanting to reconnect with your love
interest, this is a great day to spend some extra special time with them. Moon
in Taurus.
Tuesday, December 13th, unless you need to break a very bad
habit, this is a day to simply let go and allow things to happen. In that time,
review your recent desires to create or transform something in your life. Allow
things to stream your way and deal one thing at a time. There is a strong
opposition which makes you feel lazy, so if something comes up today, deal with
it, otherwise allow things to flow your way. I love full moons because they
allow me to give thanks, and see things come to fruition. Do be mindful of
avoiding negativity in your thoughts towards another. You could inadvertently make
that happen. Moon in Taurus.
Wednesday, December 14th, we could all wake up with more of
an emotional optimism if certain commonly held truths are considered. Just what
those truths are varies from one area to the next. So it is a good day to fine-tune
between want and need. Core values that all can enjoy are “liberty, equality
and fraternity” as a meditation point. Dig into each one and how that will
manifest in an everyday life. I personally like the idea of equality because it
fits into the value of your work, how you live among others and how you share
from your own stores of bounty with others. If so inclined, consider those who
don’t possess certain rights and how they would be if such rights were shared.
Moon in Gemini.
Thursday, December 15th, hold on to the future visions of
our little planet. With a Grand Square, that thought can be held in place for a
day. The issues about how that will materialize will become evident, but that
is only a starting point. We can only work on what we know. Expect some
emotional scattered reactions to occur. Take frequent breaks in the day to sort
out what is reaction and what is a necessary change coming into the light. Tomorrow
we will all work on what part of that change that is in our range of power. Moon
in Gemini.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
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