It has been
awhile since the primary planets have been direct. The only retrograde
happening right now is Mercury and for the next few days it will not be connecting
with much which reduces the mischief. Uranus will be direct and I think that for
several days we will see lots of shake ups without the personal destabilizing
affects. A lot can be illuminated this week, and in doing so, a clearer path
forward is seen. So, get your personal house in order with some wiggle room for
the unexpected.
New Year’s
Day and after will be great for new beginnings and couples. Some very strong
stabilizing connections are creating space for those looking for romance or
boosting love.Venus is starting its journey in Aquarius, so connections on a
consciousness level are more likely. If you aren’t “looking” this is still a
wonderful time for fulfillment, new discoveries, and explorations. Allow
yourself these warm feelings because they can be called upon later when you get
worn down.
Friday, December 30th, with so much in Sagittarius right
now, how could you feel anything except optimism? This is a time when we can
plan for ending 2016 and beginning of 2017. Yeah, there is regular news that
should cause fire alarms to go off, but we have to think that what was
dislodged from the general psyche in 2016 can now be reformed into something
more inclusive, or not. This is a time where our attitudes make a lot of impact
on the future. I would like to add a light towards getting it right than just
my way. Because of how Mars is situated, it will be hard to get into the mood
to take personal action because of the uncertainty. So planning and visualizing
is a safer plan. The day will start out in mystical guru state and then turn
into making a list and getting organized. Like picking up things for your New
Year’s celebration. Moon in Sagittarius until later when it goes into
Saturday, December 31st, today and tomorrow Mars will be
exact on Neptune in Aquarius. Neptune can add confusion or mystery to any
action. This can be a tough call on how it will be expressed. Those who are not
feeling good will towards man mankind, expect real pressure to act out. Be
careful where you celebrate and who you invite. After a few drinks, it could be
really ugly. Or hire a bouncer and party on. Try to tap into the joy of turning
a page on life and optimism for the future. If you don’t do resolutions, then
pick up some reading that will expand your mind or heal your heart. One of my
traditions is to wear something new, and have the house cleaned up. Something
about a well-maintained space just starts the new year out well. I also have
all repairs done before celebrating. But then, I generally fall asleep well
before midnight. Tomorrow is my day to party. Moon in Capricorn.
Sunday, January 1st, I raise my mimosa to all and wish
you a Happy New Year! The morning after has some joys in store. The reset for
this next year could be very powerful. Doesn’t mean that change or challenges
won’t be difficult, but you will see openings to solutions and recombination’s
that are more in tune with what is needed. This evening will be good for some
star gazing as Venus and the Moon in Aquarius will be very close to each other.
Maybe time to make a wish for some deep desire? Moon in Aquarius.
Monday, January 2nd, you probably will meet a roadblock
to all that good intention from New Years. Take it in stride and get back on
course as soon as you can. The future will require everyone’s work and
adjustments. May I philosophize here a minute? We have been moving into a very
polarized world. It is affecting the whole planet. Where did the mid ground go?
There is so much of that which needs to be rediscovered. Instead of falling
into tribalism’s, think of what is really important. This will be another night
where the Moon will be close to Venus, but right on Mars… just consider
traveling with Mars in the unseen Neptune the seat of mass consciousness. Be open
to listening to alternative reasonable solutions. Moon in Aquarius.
Tuesday, January 3rd, the next few days, the Mercury
retrograde should be losing its bad reputation. Some unusual circumstances may
well turn into bright prospects for the future. Your challenge is to sort out
what part you can contribute to that illumination. Although it will be hard, do
take time for your health and wellbeing. Don’t neglect it right now. When you
take that time, it allows others to take that time also. Recharge, you are
going to need it soon! Moon in Pisces this evening.
Wednesday, January 4th, the Sun is now close enough to
Pluto for the next 10 days or so that some real-world pressure for change and “performance”
must happen. I look at it as more of showdown. So just imagine Tombstone, in 1881….
the various factions will be headed to an intersection and it is unknown how it
will turn out. What is sure is who wins the battle will be writing the history.
Does not mean that history will look favorably on the events. This is a good
time to email legislators about your opinions. The bulk listings are easy, but
it is really easy to just email them directly, so don’t get lazy. Feelings will
be high, so keep it proactive and constructive criticism. Those are the
messages that will be read. Moon in Pisces.
Thursday, January 5th, many of the more fortuitous angles
have taken a break so it will be rough for a while. The tension will be high
with world affairs in the spotlight. Listen, understand, contemplate
consequences. That is all you can do right now. Still many things happening
that will surprise or shock everyone. Let those things come out and see how
things fit. I plan on a quiet night with meditation before I go to bed. Let
your dreams tell you what you can do or any other messages about your life that
need to be revealed. Open up but don’t react. Moon in Pisces.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen