Sidereal Western Astrology
After the first Super Tuesday, I wanted to make an
astrological political observation. There is a T Square concerning how we deal
with change and spiritual values. It will be tested and refined until the 1st
of November. Our choices are restricted until June and the real change is seen
in our hearts and minds as to how we fit into the greater good (heavy Aquarian influence)
and get along with our fellow Americans. By June, Jupiter will go direct and
start to move away from this T Square bringing direction and real opportunity
to move forward. With the squares to Neptune, be sure there will be lots of
hidden agendas and dirty tricks. August and September will be a time where the
mold is created and then interesting information will come out to muddy the
waters or turn people off entirely. By November, I think people will go about
their business and leave the political process to its own devices for a while. So
the struggle has been huge and exhausting, but worth it.
Friday, March 4th
over the course of this week, Mercury has shifted into Aquarius. It is headed
into a month long churning of what are core values held by the mixed masses of
people in this country. On a practical perspective, communication will be
tested for civility and compassion. If you are not up to trying to see another
perspective and sort out the truths and fears, give yourself a break and not
engage. There is serious chance of an un-civil war breaking out. With every
criticism, find a positive aspect to an opposing view. If necessary revert back
to how you feel about a challenging perspective rather than imply wrong or
malice to someone else’s view. An example would be, you are presented with
favor for a candidate that is extreme on religious views, respond with how
there are many paths to spiritual enlightenment and that you feel that you
should be able to continue to practice without loss of your rights. Remember the
more exhausted a person, the less articulate they are. Moon in Sagittarius. March 4th 2016
Saturday, March 5th,
yesterday through next Monday will complicate your life with desires unmet. We
can’t help but fixate on what we want. That includes romance, possessions and
actions. Being stuck in the mud is a hard place to be. This is a time to not push so much and wait
until the momentum is better to engage in what is not budging. Working yourself
up into a frenzy of frustration never helps the end game. Things that will be
beneficial are cleaning up your home and car. Consider how much you do have and
how to reinvent, repurpose or spruce up your home so that it takes on a luster
of joy. Sometimes the outer world is fine, but you need to work on the inner
world or gratitude. Get a bit of advice or help if that inner world needs
attention. Moon in Capricorn. March 5th
Sunday, March 6th,
another day of trying to find gratitude and stability. Prepare yourself for an
evening of entertainment and good company. If you want to have a family meal,
make it pot luck so that no one is overworked. Moderate libation could find
everyone in a great mood to recharge and reconnect. Make a toast to the
favorite character of your companions. Everyone loves appreciation and
recognition. Also take some time to finish up that house cleaning or adjusting
to your home. Evening should allow you to enjoy your handiwork. Moon in
Capricorn. March 6th
Monday, March 7th,
there has been a shift in feeling a sense of cohesion with others.
Unfortunately, those who are more fringe or exclusive in community values will
only hear what they want to hear. It is uncomfortable reaching out to different
opinions, but that is how we keep in touch with others. The last thing you want
is more division between those at work and around home. At least, make a
heartfelt hello or good morning to everyone. That signal will bring less fear
and loathing. All these challenges are moving towards a new perspective between
who we are and how your neighbor or fellow employee may be. Mars is going to be
in Scorpio for almost a month and that will bring shorter tempers. So be sure
to use your radar and search for clues to just how stressed a person may be.
This is an excellent month to give a friendly smile, even if you don’t feel
like it. Moon in Aquarius. March 7th
Tuesday, March 8th,
there are so many orbs in Aquarius right now that it will be hard not to feel
your deepest ideals being challenged, today is going to be worse than most. Try
to stay out of conflict with yourself. If someone presses your buttons, take a
reflective view into yourself and try to understand why. An example would be,
are you very concerned about that oppositional person being shattered due to hard
line expectations? Are you afraid of retaliation if you differ? Are you afraid
that your basic rights will be refused? Are you afraid of having to give more
than you feel comfortable? Remember that polarization is damaging when it goes
too far away from center. The few cannot set the stride of the many… unless you
are taking a walk with your granny and she is walking as fast as she can and
you are holding back a lot. Let her set the pace. Moon in Aquarius. March 8th
Wednesday, March 9th,
your moods and actions will set the pace of the day. If you feel the urge to
complete a task, give it priority. If you need to give yourself a day of
nurturing and meditation, do it. Yesterday’s events and trials have exhausted
many people who try to stay aware. Let it process and ask for contact with your
divine counterpart for clarity and guidance. This is a good time to take that
vision and turn it into a blast of hope and love into the outside world. Hold
positive space sometime today. Moon in Pisces. March 9th
Thursday, March 10th,
with the Moon conjunct to Uranus in Pisces, let the freak flag fly where you
can, especially when you are at home. What makes the world interesting is how
variations can create opportunity and insight to how things work together.
Before you leave the house, shift up your wardrobe or make up just to say, I am
not a clone! While some agreements to actions have to be upheld, there is still
plenty of room to express yourself as different yet contributing to a greater
good. No one wants to disappear into a crowd on a day like this. Good time to
celebrate our differences rather than demand conformity. Moon in Pisces. March 10th
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
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