Western Astrology
Just a few
moments to talk about the general trends this week. I hate to say it, but
romance will be tested. That test will look like, “what have you done for me
lately”? Is it time to gift someone with either special something or special
moments? Avoid the friction by preparing something for each other. Those in
relationships may not notice much until later this week when both the spring
fever and cabin fever awaken fatigue from the daily grind. Start early and head
off this blow up coming later this weekend. The little things go a long way.
Friday, March 18th, to start the day, it could be a
very moody morning for many. Try to honor your feelings and not lash out at
others. For the rest of us, step aside or just nod your head in recognition of
another’s inner struggle. The people who are taking the high road and
considering what are the important lessons in human affairs, will be in a
better mood than those who are facing ugly truths about being played a fool.
The next couple of days will have this turmoil roiling though people’s minds
and hearts. For those of you who are on the moral support level, your work will
increase. Just don’t overdo the interaction, because the hardest lessons in
life are those we have to face ourselves. Moon in Cancer. Friday March 18th
Saturday, March 19th, the emotional and intuitive shift
will be finding a light at the end of the tunnel for those who were challenged
yesterday. Some of the hardest lessons we face are those of wishful thinking
verses common sense. It is like a gambler’s syndrome. Even though you lose time
and time again, you forget all that when some feel good moment, like a win,
eliminates that previous reality. The problem is still there. The Grand Trine
in Water shocks our emotional state, as our
harsh lessons in life and stability are pitted against the bigger picture.
There can be a smooth exchange into a brighter reality, if epiphanies are allowed
to work. This can be felt by all, as shocks to both big and small aspects of
our life will be highlighted. Do take some time to meditate on clearing out any
debris from your heart and know that forgiveness is also a very human trait. Moon
in Cancer. Saturday March 19th
Sunday, March 20th, this is a day where it matters
where your head is. Those still in the throes of self flagellation will
continue to face their demons. Those who are seeing a wider view that has
positive future will just hum along today. Use this as a gauge to test where
you are on personal work. If still in a tail spin, take more time to meditate
on how to make things better. Most of the time, starting with yourself is a
huge step. If you are doing fine, elevate the experience by engaging in
gratitude of the simplest form… embrace spring. This is a great equalizing day
being the Vernal Equinox. May the robins in your life magically turn into
bunnies with Cadbury eggs in the nest. Moon in Leo. Sunday March 20th
Monday, March 21st, yesterday’s crisis will be
intensified today. Over the next few days , the Moon in Leo crosses a vital
retrograde relating to big changes in the future and destiny. Add to that a
continuing T Square with Mars (action and violence) and Neptune (in illusion
right now). These are major stress points creating anger needing to be vented.
No one can do the work for those people, and any lasing out to their actions
will only back fire. One of my teachers said that when a person is acting
irrationally, and they tell you what they are experiencing, their stress levels
are way beyond your observation. In other words they are completely aware of
how they feel and they are holding back their full fury. Perhaps, if confronted
with an explosion of frustration, would be to recognize they are indeed freaked
out. They are maintaining as much equilibrium as they possibly can. And thank
them for holding that boiling point. Simple acknowledgement of the situation
may help any reaction. Moon in Leo. Monday March 21st
Tuesday, March 22nd, Hopefully you were able to smooth
the ruffled feathers at home earlier this week. If you forgot, do some quick damage control!
For many, so much is highly charged that even good relationships will have a
tense day. A wise lesson taught to me early on is, “the violence of a word to a
loved one, can take years to repair”. Close those lips if you want to say
something mean, just for the hurt value. Think of this as a matter of emotional
economics. Moon in Leo. Tuesday March 22nd
Wednesday, March 23rd, this is a good day to clear out any
misconceptions about those around you. I know it is a complicated balancing
public image, integrity, and personal worth. But remember that forgiveness,
compassion and understanding go a long way. The road to understanding usually
involves a very bumpy path, but it is well worth walking. If you come from the
heart, a lot can be accomplished today. Now kiss and make up until the next
growing pains. The Lunar eclipse will intensify many situations. But taking the
time to clear the misunderstandings can bridge a wonderful new era. Moon in
Virgo. Wednesday March 23rd
Thursday, March 24th, the very things needed to heal us
will meet with restriction or challenge. The clue for today is with inertia,
there comes a need for patience. Don’t push! Only actions that are cooperative
will create a solution. There is another T Square added to the most violent one
in recent history which is occurring right now. It will pass, if you just let
it without making things worse. The future is not clear at this moment. No one
wants to be wrong, especially when everything else in their life degrades them.
Civility is imperative today. Moon is in Virgo. Thursday March 24th
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen
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