Thursday, July 26, 2018



Are we having fun yet? With six planets in retrograde, I have to wonder how others are doing under this “siege”? There are a few channels of trines that can bring some flow in a world that is otherwise festering in the heat. Those trines are with Chiron in Pisces and the North Node/Sun in Cancer. Bringing healing to those who are looking towards the future in a way that is different than anything else in the past. Uranus in Aries is in an uneasy trine with Saturn in Sagittarius. That brings fodder for rebellion and shock and awe attention points. Actually, more like misleading stories when you consider Neptune in Retrograde. Jupiter in Libra is direct and bringing some good news, but it will be buried in a melee of other stories. Sorting all this out is hard for the impatient. We are definitely in a wait and see situation. Reach out when you need solace and community. This will blow over, but the outcome is what we decide it will be. Even if it seems like we have no control.

The backward moving Mars in Capricorn, will be aspected by the Moon Friday and Saturday, bringing deeper pressure on getting things right. I suspect that many will feel like all the cruelty in the world is directed at them, and it might be. Neptune in Retrograde hides an agenda that will eventually surface, but we already know what it is. Just can’t line up the cure.

Friday, July 27th. This will be a pressure cooker day. To provide a glimmer of hope for something brighter, I remember seeing my Grandmother pressure canning green beans on summer mornings. Those tidbits were amazing later in the year. The pressure and heat killed out any nasties and left amazing flavor and nutrition. Back to today, brace yourself to disturbing news, shifts in plot, yes, we are being entertained in some perverse way, and gathering up strength to let this show unfold. The Solar eclipse is midday here in the states and Mercury has added its contrarian vibe to the other 5 planets in retrograde. Add the lunacy factor of a full moon and anything can happen.  Find your special place, and recharge over this weekend. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, July 28th, so are we reviewing what is needing calcination or are we just sweltering in the heat? Make what you want out of the difficulties around you. The Draconian points have been highlighted to purge the past and push forward into a new world. Hopefully having learned from past mistakes. Just remember that there is push back on those mucking up our collective good will and prosperity. We do not suffer alone. Find what you need for self-improvement and stay cool, literally and psychically. Moon in Capricorn.

Sunday, July 29th, today logic and emotions will have to dance a tango. The opposites are hard to harmonize when little else is stationary. Know that the indecisions of today will pass. Keep the high ground when possible but recognize when others are hurting. If you can help, do so. If not, get out of their way so you are not hurt. Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, July 30th, more about what the future holds can be sorted out from the muck. Unfortunately, news or communications will not help much as they are mixed and variable. Not a time to make big decisions. Do what you have to, and no more. Moon in Aquarius.

Tuesday, July 31st, there is a twist in the fiber of our consciousness. Be it what it may, there is little you will want to hold as true today. Remember there are hidden agendas and protective maneuvers happening with those of power and prestige. It is a delicate balance of where things need to be cut out. Expect to see a continuation of flashes of anger and hostility. Stay out of harms way. Moon in Aquarius.

Wednesday, August 1st, from your own sense of perspective a glimpse of healing can occur today. Call it insight to the situation, a vision of epic proportions or just seeing things in a new light. There is plenty that is ugly and alarming, but a new sense of determination to make course corrections can set you free. Moon in Pisces.

Thursday, August 2nd, a ray of sunshine for those who still love and need to hear some good news. There could be tears of joy and relief today. They will be short lived but could create some sort of turning point that gives hope. Everyone is really dealing with personal stuff right now, but there could be something on the bigger scale of events that helps you find a smile today. You should feel it as well as get to see it. Moon in Pisces.

Thursday, July 19, 2018



Probably not a good week to be playing games with romance. The sting of consequences will follow those who try to mask their aggressions with smoke and mirrors. Not only will those people be drawn out into the light, but consequences will be in order. Those in the mundane world have it easiest as they simple can break off ties and move on with their lives. Those in the limelight may find their actions recorded for posterity. Those who are working for solid relationships will find their own set of events to negotiate but will also meet greater understanding.

Other aspects of debts coming due will continue to greet those who have not kept their affairs in order. Mars in Capricorn is still opposite the Sun and North Node in Cancer and all squaring Uranus in Aries. This is where a new day is dawning, but not in the same light as some may think it will. Harsh aspects will shine on those who are playing loose and irresponsibly with their lives. If you know someone like this be careful how close you are to them if they decide to implode from frustration.

So, if you are diligent in your actions and passions, opportunities will head your way. There is just enough interference that things may seem like they are falling apart, but in truth you are just about to launch into something different and productive. The key here is to centering practices will keep you present with the shifting sands of events right now. There is a lot that can be gained. The last of the Grand Trine in Fire ends over the weekend, bringing more need to parlay your energy in only the most constructive ways available. Keep up the pressure where you can because by next weekend, Mercury will be retrograde and you will want much done ahead of time.

Friday, July 20th, this is a day where the tight rope walkers will find a path to the other side. This is the last day of the Grand Square also, so the restrictions will still be present a little longer. Romance gets a great boost for those wanting to create a warm nest with their favorite people. When you get down to it, that family cluster is always a primary reason for doing what we do in this crazy world to make a living. Moon in Libra.

Saturday, July 21st, brings the last day of the Grand Trine in Fire. Some of the biggest challenges have been remedied, but strangeness is still out there causing  havoc. This is definitely a week to keep it honest, keep it real and let the chips fall where they may. Probably want to practice your mindfulness meditations from this day on, at least for the near future. Gather energy this weekend. Moon in Libra.

Sunday, July 22nd, for today, the Moon creates a short term Grand trine in Water. Emotional responses and endings will abound. What is important to salvage from the day is that somethings are really transformations, not defeats. Just could be hard on those who are not willing to yield to a higher power. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, July 23rd, keep present in events around you and know who you can depend upon. The twists and snarls will start this week off so attention needed everywhere at all times. Struggle and contradiction of the day may well be a prediction of the rest of the week. it is all for the right reasons, so keep a steady course forward. Moon in Scorpio.

Tuesday, July 24th, among the uncertainties rely on what anchors you. Your personal strength is even more important than usual. There is favor for those who preserver in the right frame of mind. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, July 25th, another day were your personal values will be tested. Just remember that those who would sabotage you are also meeting resistance, if not more chaos. Emotional values are being tested this week and this day is no exception. Moon in Sagittarius.

Thursday, July 26th, lucky us as the day starts off with Moon conjunct Pluto, the great transformer. The Sagittarius “feel” to this conjunction brings up needs to question values and fine tune what is acceptable. Mercury goes Station and not interacting with other bodies, bringing communications that struggle. Couple that with Neptune in Aquarius in opposition and Retrograde, illusion and hidden agendas will try to make a power play. Stay wary, particularly in the earlier part of the day. Comeuppance will follow shortly in a day or so. Moon in Sagittarius until late afternoon when it goes into “get your act together” Capricorn.

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Thursday, July 12, 2018



For those getting ready to launch something, the time for mental puzzles is over as a Grand Trine in Fire gives you the gusto to get it done. Lucky breaks that you need to happen will abound. Just don’t look for all of them in the normal workings of life. This is a time that Uranus will be playing nice with its knack for synchronicities and absurdities bringing you hints and paths to your desires. Choose carefully. That Grand Square has taken leave of us too, bringing opportunities to work outside of the box. There is some tension in the unknown so be sure to work with reliable alliances to work out the difficulties.

By the 17th of July, the Sun will move out of Sidereal Gemini and slide into watery Cancer. Ask yourself how well you work at home and how to find solace in the simple things. Stay tuned to your feelings as they will be important for reality checks. Your changes are best kept simple and sustainable. This will bring you the most benefit and healing during the early part of the month.

You should be feeling the affect of Jupiter going direct at this time. As with slow movers, it takes a few days for things to really get in motion. Great time for working on something important and the balancing act of determining what is right for you at this time. We are in a phase where only short-term goals will be met. Choose the correct ones for you so that the ground work is laid for the future. Right now, life is a big puzzle waiting to be pieced together.

Just a reminder that Mercury Retrograde will add to the other retrogrades around July 25th.

Friday, July 13th, the Moon is opposed to Mars today making intuition about what you need to do for yourself hard to actually get done. A better approach, if you don’t want to fight the fates, is to spend some time recharging, healing and getting geared up for your next move. Designing your next move with visualization and meditation might be more productive than fighting the odds. Work needs to be smarter not harder this weekend. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, July 14th, this is another day that is better looking inward for answers or insights. If we are quiet enough, it is amazing what is revealed. This day will be best cozying up with your loved ones and making plans together. Also, don’t trust everything you hear. Moon in Cancer.

Sunday, July 15th, as the Moon transits Venus today, give in to the things that make you happy. Romance can flourish in a fun-loving way today. Don’t be surprised is someone offers their pledge of protection as well as leadership. Get your rest, as you will need to be fresh for the next week. Moon in Leo.

Monday, July 16th, hit the ground running if you want to launch into that next goal. The difficulties are minimized right now so you will get a lot done. Should be a good day to heed your own counsel. Others may just not have all the facts today. Moon in Leo.

Tuesday, July 17th, The Sun makes an auspicious entrance into Cancer today. Things revolving around the home and your intuition are highlighted. The T Square is still in force but that just bids you to know when you should get expert advice. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, July 18th, while you may not have all the foundations in place, your sense of what the future holds and how you want to interact with it is working overtime. If it feels like you have momentum, go in that direction. If you meet resistance, reconsider and refer back to the weekends visualizations and determine if a course correction is needed or simply some patience. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, July 19th, you may feel the box closing in on you. For the next couple of days, use your skills from the last alignment and know where to build personal power. This is a time to get to work on making that endeavor take form. It can be hard to pull from the ethereal into the material, but this is a good day to do just that. Moon in Virgo but goes into Libra by mid-day.

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Thursday, July 5, 2018



A number of events will happen this week. first of which is a double Grand Trine in Air and Fire. So, in regular terms that means that higher thinking and communications will have inspiration from the unexpected areas of life. (Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in Air signs) (Venus, Uranus and Pluto/Saturn in Fire). So this is how we view ourselves inside the collective mind. This will run from July 8th through 16th. With an opposition with Pluto, the old change master, calling us to do better but this might be a struggle to see through the smoke and mirrors of the past. Overall, in our everyday lives, a lot of good things can happen if you keep your center of gravity when faced with anything offensive. Be that stabilizing point!

The other aspect this week is another eclipse period. The evening of July 12th is a partial solar eclipse. Obviously, it will not be seen here in the USA, but it is a harbinger of duplicity. If you are trying to sort out some sort of enigma, organize your facts in columns so you can decide later what it all means. Don’t make decisions now as a lot of information is being thrown out into the air waves. A lot of what is communicated will never get done. Be aware of that potential. That is when you ask for details of procedure. Most of the week, Mercury will be hindered expect for the 10th. That has a simple triad happening. But the opposition to Mars (our ability to get stuff done) is still hindering life. This will be the course until the full moon and total lunar eclipse on July 27th. But don’t expect much even then as Mercury will go Retrograde on July 25th just to make the facts even harder to sort out. Could seem like the repressive aspects of life are getting the upper hand. Stay vigilant and question, question, question everything. Facts do matter. Now you could just bury your head for a while, or you could step back, observe things from a dispassionate position, and take a wider look at why things are as they are. You certainly will have enough random bits of info to consider.

As for romance, Venus will soon start its journey in Leo July 5th. This is a time to keep love light and adventuresome. Also, a very good time for those who have been in their shells lately to come out and show some affection and appreciation. Dance this month when the opportunity arrives. A lot of what is happening is going on whether we are watching or not. Enjoy the warm evenings, catch a few fire flies and have some outdoor campfires. Hikes and trips to the woods are favored this phase of Venus in Leo.

Friday, July 6th, is a good time for lovers to get to the heart of what is bubbling up into consciousness. Sensitivity towards those you love will be well received right now. That Grand Square has a couple more days to bind you into a situation, but the light-hearted shift of Venus into Leo will give all of us a lift. There are even indications that how you feel about your nemesis could find some clarity as compassion leads to more understanding. As the evening news opens, a new spectacle or flaming arrow of confusion may be headed your way. Take it in stride with the others. Moon in Pisces.

Saturday, July 7th, I am going out on a limb here and say that a new sex scandal may fill the news. Depending on who it relates, it is just another voyage into the dark shadow of the human psyche which is getting coverage. Remember, with the Chiron retrograde, deep secrets come up into the conscious and test our resolve to deal with everything. If you can keep up, the end game is initiation into a higher state of consciousness... or something else to poke fun. Scandal or new source of ridicule is in today’s offerings. I am rooting for seeing someone’s vacation home video, if you get my drift. The Moon will be aspecting the old trickster Uranus in Aries today.

Sunday, July 8th, with the things that seem to go wrong, it is a venue to transform into something rather spectacular. The double Grand Trine starts today with some detractors, just because nothing is all easy, but enough charm on the moving pieces that you can pull off something rather miraculous. Start the day out with a plan and go for it! Moon in Aries.

Monday, July 9th, the big test of the day is things that are best left in the past will seem to stubbornly demand more attention. Concerted efforts will be necessary to make yourself move in the right direction. Probably means people did not catch enough sleep from a busy holiday and weekend. Do your due diligence and you will be rewarded with success. Moon in Taurus.

Tuesday, July 10th, information and searches flow like water. Getting to the heart of the matter is easier when details come to the surface. Do as much research as you can stand to do today as difficulties most likely will return tomorrow. Overcome your anxiety about calling people and get things done faster. A lot is moving quickly and the diligent are rewarded! After today, try not to sign any documents until after the Mercury retrograde next month. because so much is coming out everyday now that you want a fully informed consent before you sign. Moon in Taurus.

Wednesday, July 11th, some minor issues with annoyances a partner may exhibit. Keep it all in perspective and find a way to constructively deal with it. Still a good time to find out why because our ability to heal ourselves is limited for a while and another perspective can be very helpful. Reach out with concern and constructive criticism or critique. Lots going on right now, so stay rested. There is a good chance that sleep will be plagued with random thoughts and conflicts. Return to the healthy winding down routine before bed so you can ease into sleep. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, July 12th, stresses on constructive habit changes is paramount today. If it causes pain, deal with it, in a sane way. Avoid bad habits when you get stressed. Sleep will be plagued during this New Moon solar eclipse. Tulsa time has it about regular bedtime, so keep to your nightly healthy routine. You cannot afford to be battling monkey mind all night and still face a challenging and productive cycle happening right now. Moon in Gemini.