Thursday, March 8, 2018



An overall theme this week will be that luck favors those who are inclusive and concerned about the common good. The Sun in Aquarius and Jupiter in Libra are trine bringing some great opportunities for those who will work for their ideals. Also, this week Uranus in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius will bring trine energy to new different initiatives. This is time for you to play cheerleader to those causes that bring us together for the best reasons. All of this is heading towards transformation for all of us, should be take the challenge. This will be a week where even though we are beaten down by shock and awe, the knowledge that it is our turn to stand against the villains of oppression and chaos. Shift those loose elements into a cohesive form. This does not mean that challenges will not be abounding. Depression, irritation and malcontent are being pressed into tighter and tighter spaces. Tend to those you care about and leave others to their dilemma as only they can shift with the times.

Friday, March 9th, the Moon in Scorpio is sending shock waves through actions and attitudes. Moody notices are signaling need for change. While each of us is responsible for our own happiness, we are not islands. Isolation can be devastating. Take some time to connect with those you care about so they know they are loved. Then gather with your tribe in the evening to recharge your batteries. Moon in Scorpio until late evening when it goes into Sagittarius.

Saturday, March 10th, the signature of Yod, or finger of God, is on the future. What do you want it to look like? Then turn around and see yourself if you are the target of nastiness. How does it feel? Consider the human condition around you and don’t be afraid. Genuine speech goes a long way. We have lost how to speak to each other like they have value. So many are acting out of pain, that may not be their fault. Seek answers not abusive reactions. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, March 11th, things that come off as hostile are actually fear. As the Moon crosses Pluto in Sagittarius today, make note of where the hostility is coming from. Some hints are insecurity, oppression, ignorance and manipulation. None of us is immune to these miseries. Find within yourself what you might fear and relate your feelings. Defuse the anger and fear. Moon in Sagittarius.

Monday, March 12th, while the rest of the world seems to stumble along, focus on the loves in your life. Life is easier when you can settle into something sweet and nurturing. Be good to each other and see how life can take on a new meaning. Don’t lose out by letting your loved ones wonder about your devotion and have to ask, “what have you done for me lately”. Moon in Capricorn.

Tuesday, March 13th, should be a day that things start to gel together. Those looking forward to a more comfortable setting will find that their hard work is paying off. Maybe not time to call it all complete, but certain a time to see how far you have come. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, March 14th, time to put your running shoes on. The hurdles will come at you from places you don’t expect. Do what you can but be more in tune with needing to let the situation come into focus and alignment. Otherwise, you will be like a bunny hopping every which way and miss the destination. Moon in Capricorn until evening when it will be in Aquarius.

Thursday, March 15th, while stresses resolve, you may still feel unsettled. Emotions can run high for some but they mean well. Look at the undercurrent of what is said. More understanding will emerge. It is also a day where all the rebellion and counter actions start to wear you down. Know that there are no new ideas, everything goes though cycles and we need to recognize that the angst is worth the effort. Moon in Aquarius.

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