Thursday, March 29, 2018



On April 2nd Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius will be exact to each other. Also, they will be squared for a few days after that to the Sun and Mercury in Retrograde in Pisces. Undercurrents are swift right now and challenging even to the most adept. What is important is which side of decorum and civility you chose to dwell. Expect extremes as those who live in their personal hells may want to lash out at those just making their way. Integrity and walking your talk is ever important this week. Double check your attitude and presentation in front of others.

In the world of romance, from April 2nd to 22nd some great aspects with Saturn/Mars and Pluto will occur. This will be bitter sweet as losses or changes are for the best. In stable relationships, this is just something the two of you must call a tough time. For those needing to get out of abusive relationships, things will get very uncomfortable this week but letting go of the relationship can be golden. Those in abusive relationships watch out for your health and wellbeing.

Friday, March 30th the morning starts out with resistance to getting to work, but by afternoon don’t expect anyone to be very focused. To avoid problems don’t expect much from others either. Perhaps a lesson this evening is to know that others have lives outside of work and allow empathy for those that may be thinking of being elsewhere. Moon in Virgo.

Saturday, March 31st, an undercurrent of tension during this full moon, is complicated while you try to stay focused on what needs to be done. Difficulties abound today, so slow down and take things into perspective. Multi-tasking might be a mistake today. There is a chance that you will end up focused on feeling ill or displaced. Those who can communicate their needs will find an easier road. Making plans needs careful attention to detail whether it be road conditions or nuances of a recipe. Moon in Virgo.

Sunday, April 1st. the continuing undercurrent of resistance coupled with some sensitive negotiations and statements, brings the need for balance in your demeanor today. What does turn into a deal, will have to be carried through to the end. Bumps and all. Sometimes waiting for the best time never arrives so you just do it as best you can. Moon in Libra.

Monday, April 2nd, for those who can speak their truth, much can be established. Does not mean that all will be harmonious. Those who can walk their talk will benefit greatly from their communications both in person and on the record. There is a few moments of really good luck today also. Take advantage of good deals or honest exchanges. This is more on a level of interpersonal understandings. Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, April 3rd, another day of keeping it honest. The value of this is if you are always gaming others, expect to be caught. Integrity is everything today. Great healing can occur also either via comeuppance or vindication. You probably know which end of the spectrum you are. Moon in Libra most of the day and then goes into Scorpio.

Wednesday, April 4th, great results for those working on a pet project. If you are keeping the conscious high road in your dealings, a series of benefits are coming your way. For those that are not genuine, Mars has passed Saturn and is heading to Pluto, the transformer. So that is like a hammer on a trigger to make necessary changes in how you behave. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, April 5th, all this action is making some people sick. Since the Grand Trine is still moving with the Moon, it is hard to tell if you are going to be sick of that toxic person or if they finally get sick from their own abuse. Gauge carefully who you sympathize with. This is a very potent time, that many will look back upon as pivotal. For those with planets in early degrees of Sagittarius tomorrow there will be attacks that cause struggle and then weaken. Check what house and planet is there and see if it affects you. Moon in Scorpio.

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Thursday, March 22, 2018



This is the week that Mars will start to conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius.  At the same time Uranus will be squaring Pluto in Sagittarius. Mars will move across both of these planets over the next 7 weeks or so. While this spells some serious power issues with unintended consequences there will be some relief with other planets creating some positive connections.

Mercury goes Retrograde today until April 16th. Esoterically that means we will be reliving, reviewing and facing realties all this time. Also, esoterically, those who have been doing their personal work will probably only notice that others are in crisis due to their unrelenting cosmic demand to open up to consciousness. Expect unresolved issues to break open again, this time though, clean out the wound and stitch it up for healing.

Friday, March 23rd, any illness that has been lingering should start to see recovery. This is due to care and nurturing. This revolves around all kinds of illness. Modern life has us thinking we can power through anything. Mother Nature has a different method. While you are settling into some therapeutic recovery (massage therapy, water therapy etc.), look into your heart as well and release any demons that might be lingering. Recovery will be faster. Moon in Taurus.

Saturday, March 24th, you may feel emotionally coiled into a tight spring this morning. Pressures can be overwhelming if not managed in a healthy way. Lots of alternatives are available to making your physical life work smoothly. Normally I don’t post advertisements, but Peace of Mind is having a Movement Festival. Find a way to stretch out that built in angst in a profoundly productive way. Moon in Gemini.

Sunday, March 25th, messages and romance seem to just stab the heart today. So, take some personal time and turn off messages. Any damage done today may be hard to fix later. Although if you are in a generally tense re negotiation in your life, it is best to just deal with it because this is the time make a personal habit healthy. There will be some tough decisions for those cutting away from harmful relationships. Moon in Gemini.

Monday, March 26th, it seems like a veil has lifted for those who chose wisely yesterday. The future will look brighter because you are on tract for a productive path ahead. Make this a day to work on what really defines you and you will feel self-empowered. Moon in Cancer.

Tuesday, March 27th, yesterday’s epiphanies turn into a flood of affirmations as you intuit your way into something sustainable. Messages, signs and portends will give you clues as to how well you have decided to navigate the latest challenges. If this isn’t the case then you really need to focus on what is your part in this game we call life. Moon in Cancer.

Wednesday, March 28th, today will find some lucky connections and proposals for those who are in love and for romance. Just make sure you are not falling for the same old manipulation. Turn away from that loser game. There is a real sense that conscious people will be unburdened by toxic individuals. I just hope it is not by losing a job. Bad managers should be the ones escorted to the street, not those doing a decent day’s work. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, March 29th, good news for the regular soul. Powerplays in higher realms may run out of steam and tricks. Whether this is office politics or the news there will be an easier feeling about the future. Things are changing.  Hold that positive space and don’t tolerate what is perverse. Moon in Leo.

Thursday, March 15, 2018



With the Sun officially in Pisces and trine to Jupiter, expect more feelings of good will this week. Hold on to what you can of that as it will have to carry you forward for some time. Make this a time to show you can be considerate of others and they will respond with thanks.

Also, this week Venus in Pisces will be Trine to the North Node. Very good for couples and those you love creating a fantastic future for yourselves. Do some long-range planning and put some fun into what you do this week.

Heads up to the Mercury Retrograde coming up this next week. Get what you can get done concerning contracts, written projects and major decisions. Coupled with next week’s start of a Mars approaching and irritating (Saturn in Sagittarius). This add power and conviction to actions that are core to who we are. When that time comes riots or rallies which will be the high point. That will take many weeks to pass.

With Uranus also squaring Saturn (our philosophy of what works) expect loud outcries as well as potential of hacking our media and internet systems. Propaganda will be in full swing for a bit over 6 weeks. We all need to gather together, not split apart. Just today I saw what was a ridiculous name ranted about a non-American perspective, I called him out.  Lot of interruptions to our daily routines. So be patient, stay focused and when it gets too hard to move forward, take a break and wait for better timing. There will be lots of positive aspects through this time but they will be hit and miss as the days roll by. A “stormy” spring is forecasted, so get out your “rain gear”!

Friday, March 16th, Mars goes exactly on the Star Acumen. This is the star of attacks that weaken. If you have anything at early degree Sagittarius, be aware you need more time for self-care and to deal with your relationship with others. There is a deeper lesson rather than a true assault. Find that lesson. Otherwise should that rose of love draw blood, may bend into doing things a bit differently. Just don’t be in harms’ way. There is a lesson of companionship in the following days. Moon in Aquarius.

Saturday, March 17th, with this being Saint Patrick’s Day, I would like to caution against drinking too much! The Moon’s placement is Pisces will make all of us prone to overindulge. There is also a good chance you could fall into remembering hard times that damaged and that would bring overindulgence. Otherwise, it would be an excellent time to relax and learn more about the culture of this incredible people and this magical isle. Look into their ancient history and their lore of the faery and Tuatha Dannon. I plan on leaving some beer and goodies for those who inhabit my garden. OK, maybe it will just be the squirrel, cat and birds enjoying my offerings, but they are very special also! Moon in Pisces.

Sunday, March 18th, lots of news about plans, projects and wishes are in the air. Here in Oklahoma, it really feels like Spring is making an entrance. Get a jump on your week by making proposals, sending emails or letters. Otherwise spend some time with your family and just sit back and enjoy. Moon in Pisces.

Monday, March 19th, there is a fire in pit of your stomach to get stuff done. If you were able to instigate communications yesterday, expect some feedback today. There is a mix of intuiting where to spend your energy. There is probably a tendency to overdo it too. Remember to pace yourself as work can drain you if you try to be all things at all times. Moon in Aries.

Tuesday, March 20th, your drive to get things going is complicated with having to focus on the intermediate steps rather than the long-term effects. While there is a chance that the outcome will morph over time, don’t let this slow down distract you. There is good news on the way, so just keep up with the changing landscape. By the way, take some time to notice that this is the first day of Spring. Even if there is no green around you, daylight and night time are equal right now. Moon in Aries.

Wednesday, March 21st,  drive to excel and achieve may need some tempering because you are expecting too much. Take a step back for some perspective today and be a little less obsessive about goals. Remember that life is for living and the journey is just as important as the quest. Everyone is running on a lot of adrenaline, either out of fear or fantasy. Reality fits somewhere between the two. Moon in Aries until evening when it goes into Taurus.

Thursday, March 22nd, basically the efforts of this week result in the dice being cast. You may be rather exhausted and there is a palpable slow down coming. It will be felt by afternoon or evening. This is when the things that have been done need to find a way to mesh together. Like marinating veggies, let time do its job. There will be some bumps coming. Be relaxed enough to see how you want to make adjustments. Mercury goes Station today.  Moon in Taurus.

Thursday, March 8, 2018



An overall theme this week will be that luck favors those who are inclusive and concerned about the common good. The Sun in Aquarius and Jupiter in Libra are trine bringing some great opportunities for those who will work for their ideals. Also, this week Uranus in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius will bring trine energy to new different initiatives. This is time for you to play cheerleader to those causes that bring us together for the best reasons. All of this is heading towards transformation for all of us, should be take the challenge. This will be a week where even though we are beaten down by shock and awe, the knowledge that it is our turn to stand against the villains of oppression and chaos. Shift those loose elements into a cohesive form. This does not mean that challenges will not be abounding. Depression, irritation and malcontent are being pressed into tighter and tighter spaces. Tend to those you care about and leave others to their dilemma as only they can shift with the times.

Friday, March 9th, the Moon in Scorpio is sending shock waves through actions and attitudes. Moody notices are signaling need for change. While each of us is responsible for our own happiness, we are not islands. Isolation can be devastating. Take some time to connect with those you care about so they know they are loved. Then gather with your tribe in the evening to recharge your batteries. Moon in Scorpio until late evening when it goes into Sagittarius.

Saturday, March 10th, the signature of Yod, or finger of God, is on the future. What do you want it to look like? Then turn around and see yourself if you are the target of nastiness. How does it feel? Consider the human condition around you and don’t be afraid. Genuine speech goes a long way. We have lost how to speak to each other like they have value. So many are acting out of pain, that may not be their fault. Seek answers not abusive reactions. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, March 11th, things that come off as hostile are actually fear. As the Moon crosses Pluto in Sagittarius today, make note of where the hostility is coming from. Some hints are insecurity, oppression, ignorance and manipulation. None of us is immune to these miseries. Find within yourself what you might fear and relate your feelings. Defuse the anger and fear. Moon in Sagittarius.

Monday, March 12th, while the rest of the world seems to stumble along, focus on the loves in your life. Life is easier when you can settle into something sweet and nurturing. Be good to each other and see how life can take on a new meaning. Don’t lose out by letting your loved ones wonder about your devotion and have to ask, “what have you done for me lately”. Moon in Capricorn.

Tuesday, March 13th, should be a day that things start to gel together. Those looking forward to a more comfortable setting will find that their hard work is paying off. Maybe not time to call it all complete, but certain a time to see how far you have come. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, March 14th, time to put your running shoes on. The hurdles will come at you from places you don’t expect. Do what you can but be more in tune with needing to let the situation come into focus and alignment. Otherwise, you will be like a bunny hopping every which way and miss the destination. Moon in Capricorn until evening when it will be in Aquarius.

Thursday, March 15th, while stresses resolve, you may still feel unsettled. Emotions can run high for some but they mean well. Look at the undercurrent of what is said. More understanding will emerge. It is also a day where all the rebellion and counter actions start to wear you down. Know that there are no new ideas, everything goes though cycles and we need to recognize that the angst is worth the effort. Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, March 1, 2018



For the next few weeks there will be an extra boost of energy to get projects done. So, if you find yourself lagging after lunch, grab a cup of java and make the afternoon count. Mornings will be hard but mid afternoon has some fantastic energies to use.

The lovely lady of the sky, Venus has gone into Pisces today. While it may take a day or two for her graces to flow, expect the next month to feel different. The words won’t be there until a few days after that because Mercury goes into Pisces later in the week. The only thing that can kill the good feeling is when someone decides to act bossy. That won’t get you want you want.

Uranus and Mars are still in full form. Their trine brings the best of decisive actions and unusual new avenues becoming available. This can be used to your advantage until about March 18th. So, if there is something new you want to launch, especially if you have already been working on it, this will be a good time to seem progress.

Friday, March 2nd, the morning will feel very blocked, but you will find some extra wind in your sails after lunch. Just don’t indulge grogginess. Try to go easy on the messenger when you don’t get the news you want. We all want to shine in our own way, but demanding attention will get you shut out. Moon in Leo.

Saturday, March 3rd, try not to overwork yourself for the next few days. Keeping up a healthy lifestyle will mean more productivity on difficult projects. Mars and Chiron are squared for a few days and the intensity of Scorpio is making you work obsessively. Take time to adjust your routine into something sustainable. The old adage is to pace yourself! Moon in Virgo.

Sunday, March 4th, as long as you can overcome the need for perfectionism, your day will go really well. The energies now support those doing their best work especially if there is a goal in mind. Some hidden features or information will be available if you are savvy enough to understand what is being said. Read between the lines! Moon in Virgo.

Monday, March 5th, it will be a tough day on your attitude. You have been going like crazy but today it seems like it will never happen. Remember that the opportunities are still there, you just have to adjust your perspective to continue following your dream. We think that it is all up to us, but the truth is part of it is up to the unknown. Take a lesson from your youth when you learned card games. Some involved playing a suit, until you ran out of that suit. You then had to wait for the cycle to shift to another suit. Then you could continue to play. Today will be similar. Moon in Libra.

Tuesday, March 6th, the woes of yesterday are gone, but don’t expect to proceed without a challenge. Something just does not fit into where we need to be going. Take time to adjust goals, expectations and listen to the signs around you. Basically, you want to take care of your needs, and not all the info is available. So, trust any roadblocks to be times to rethink and then reorganize. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, March 7th, the old makes room for the new. That does not mean both can hold the same space. Something has to be let go. Chose what is worn out or outdated. Consider that most enterprises are an experiment. Some do well, some lose their efficacy and some just have to go to the lessons learned. Luck follows those you know the difference. Moon in Scorpio.

Thursday, March 8th, today you will need more than luck. Stand out of the way of things falling down. If you must stay somewhat engaged, then get your broom ready to sweep out the trash. If you can see how something will work well for the future, that is the place to put your energy. Moon in Scorpio.

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