Thursday, January 4, 2018



Take advantage of the shifting sands of your attitude and perceptions. Those Sagittarius ruminations of why are we here and how to enjoy life will take a shift into testing those theories. Next week, January 14th the Sun will start its journey in Capricorn. That will bring more attention to money, property and ego into focus. And the stresses are powerful at this time. Capricorn likes order, and we are in a time for disorder. Guard your assets and hold on for the ride.

Friday, January 5th, brings a lot of pressure to perform. It may seem that working at future projects just is to cumbersome. If you do come to a wall, turn towards how you are dealing with your stress and connecting with “group think”. While it feels good to be a rebel, what feels better is agreement to how we can work together. Consider your objectives and how honorable they are. A day when both philosophy and ethics reign supreme. Do your reality check and be ready for tomorrow.  Moon in Leo.

Saturday, January 6th, what was stifled yesterday gets a lucky boost today. Still many will have trouble seeing into the future, and that is just how life is sometimes. If you aren’t feeling like we are making this up as we go, then you are deluding yourself. Your addition to a positive future will gather strength with others creating that next phase. Still many unusual and surprising communications will keep our attention piqued. Should be a really interesting and possibly exciting day! Moon in Leo.

Sunday, January 7th, the last few days have been draining. Rather than try to fight any malaise or challenges, take a day off to get centered and rested. Fun activities are favored to bring your health back into focus. What better excuse do you need to do something completely different? Moon in Virgo.

Monday, January 8th, any outdated opinions or coercions will start to feel really awkward. If you are in that position, relating to anything from political leanings to how you fix your oatmeal in the morning, needs immediate attention. Probably a day that will be hard to make it to work, but that might be what you need to understand better, too. Attitude is everything today. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, January 9th, your emotions will give you a break with deeper understanding of the unsettling news and general drudge of life. It will feel like a threshold has been accomplished. Not much else will really have changed, but something in you has. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, January 10th, the next couple of days will find a sense of optimism. Now some of this is just feel good but some of it is just knowing there is only so long you can fight an idea. It will drive you crazy to fight all the time. Chose your battles carefully and allow some optimism to creep in. Others will be doing the same, even if there is nothing to support it. Just enjoy the vibe and maybe it will gain some momentum. Right now, no one knows where we as a group are going. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, January 11th, information may stop flowing, but expect some fireworks to hit high places that need transformation. Hopes and dreams are on the line right now, and who knows where it will lead. Luck follows some and not so much for others. Those in touch with their feelings and intuition will do the best. Some difficult information is on the horizon, but it won’t be known for a while. Lots of challenges to getting it out in its entirety. That goes for things you may be negotiating all the way up to big guys. Because there is too much that is undefined, no one wants to hold on to an agreement, or argue for that matter. Moon in Scorpio by evening.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


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