Thursday, January 25, 2018



What is shifting this week is Mercury is going into Capricorn.  Because of some afflictions, this can slow thinking, change decisions and in general mess with communications being understood. For the next few weeks get stuff in writing, rather than a hand shake. All attention will be on finances, property and getting things locked down, but depending on the preparation, it is all on potentially shifting sands. If you make a mistake, you will find out in a week or so. Plan B’s are a good idea.

The Sun and Venus in Capricorn will be in conflict with the destiny points. There will be a tendency to fall into old patterns rather than embrace what needs to define us in the future. This is where courage and dedication are tested in what ever area of life you must experience this event. If you have been keeping up with all your responsibilities, odds are you will only meet a passing glace with intensity and change. Keep it real and keep on your toes!

Friday, January 26th greets us with some great news that makes the heart feel like truth will triumph. By afternoon, a struggle to hold on to that truth will ensue. Stay humble and know that ethics are everything when it comes to life. Wavering outside of that will have consequences. Moon in Taurus.

Saturday, January 27th, there is a scramble to “save face” and obscure reality. Dirty tricks are in the works, so be sure if you have to sign something, that you have a back out clause or provisions for rectifying misinformation. There is more of a “block and punt” attitude in all parties just wanting to get it worked out, later. The Moon in Taurus has a lesson for those who need to learn to hold on to hallowed truths. Conversely those who want to continue the sham will be playing hard ball too. Are we having fun yet? Moon in Taurus.

Sunday, January 28th, consider anything significant will be in a standoff. New information has come to light and forcing opinions on who holds the keys to the future will be contestable. If you have a choice, then stall for another day. Let the chips fall where they may and take up any issues at the next convenient opportunity. Moon in Gemini.

Monday, January 29th, work hard to face the inevitable. Those are the people who will overcome some weird events and tactics. By the end of the day progress can be seen. A lesson of the last few days is if dirty tricks are used, then those people cannot be trusted under any circumstance. Best to choose better compatriots. Moon in Gemini.

Tuesday, January 30th, the day starts out with feeling lucky. By afternoon your perceptions will be tested as combatants come out swinging. The key for today is not to become complacent and to stay on guard through the day. There is a wave of pay back in the works. The struggle between good an evil is palatable today. With this moon being in Sidereal Cancer, expect tantrums, screaming matches, warrants, edicts and anything that can rip you up if you are not on steady ground. Those who can mix empathy as well as good works should do well by afternoon. Craziness is everywhere so watch your back, too. Moon in Cancer.

Wednesday, January 31st, this is a difficult day. The eclipse, blue full moon brings an intensity unseen for a while. While the Sun and Venus are in opposition for the next few days with the North Node (or point of destiny), expect some fireworks when the Moon conjoins that node. The tough part is we need to go forward where compassion and empathy reside. The way of the past is the down side to Capricorn, which is fixation and sullenness. Check on your Capricorn friends as they may be under some heavy emotional pressure. A bit of solace now will make a huge difference. Moon I Cancer.

Thursday, February 1st, the day starts by looking good, but it would be an illusion. Leadership and luck are part of today's events. There are a number of promising line ups so know that keeping your cool will leave the least damage should you be a target of abuse. Also wait for the right time to act, those opportunities will be fleeting. Moon in Leo.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, January 18, 2018



This week will be more like playing a game. How to choose either defensive or offensive moves is up to you. A lot of info out there is less and less reliable. This may be more of a week of observing and letting the puzzle pieces come together.

All this week is a perfect time to focus on healthy living and adding any missing routines to achieve that glowing health wanted by spring. The hard spot is focus on future events is weak while the opportunities to engage in what you want to do is hobbling along. So, work on things you can control, and wait for the rest to get back into gear.

Friday, January 19th, there is 
some uplifting news for those who can still listen to the daily reports. Otherwise, your perspective is going into the doldrums. I find this happens a lot when the weather is dialed into winter and I start feeling closed in by four walls. Fortunately, I can get out occasionally, others are not so lucky. Give people a call if they are shut in and be polite on social media. We all need some TLC. Moon in Aquarius.

Saturday, January 20th, after a mixed day, late in the afternoon there is an optimistic vibe all around should you decide to tap into it. That optimism can turn into some obsessive behavior for changes. Go easy and instead of throwing out things, just box them up in case you just got over enthusiastic. Tomorrow may look very different. Moon in Aquarius.

Sunday, January 21st, you will get a handle on yesterday’s events and find your way to feeling better. Something about openness to transformation that sets events into motion. Be good to yourself and find your center. Try not to blow things out of proportion. Moon in Pisces later in the evening.

Monday, January 22nd, there is an uneasy truce with what is secure. Asking questions is usually a good idea, just be careful how and whom you ask. Credentials and reputation are everything right now. Not everyone is going to be giving you verifiable information. Moon in Pisces.

Tuesday, January 23rd, tampering with information can lead to some poor choices. Ask yourself if the information is good in the future or if it simply harps on old language that is misleading. There is a choice today to find a viable future, that leaves the untenable behind. Chose wisely. Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, January 24th, what didn’t jive yesterday, falls into place today. This time expect some denials of the “gaming” of what you just saw. This is a good day to trust your own council. Moon in Aries.

Thursday, January 25th, a new defensive push to block progress. It will be hard to sort out valid information so cross reference independent sources. If still confused assume that wait and see is the best option before making a commitment. Moon in Aries.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, January 11, 2018



This week starts off with a continuing wave of feel good or karma. Hey, karma can feel good if you have been doing your best. A triad with Pluto/Chiron/Jupiter/Mars has some big news at the first of the week but details will just turn off for a while when Mercury is out of sync with other planets. The 15th will give us a hint of what is affecting all of us. Time to savor information rather than push for more. For writers out there, later in the week you will probably get back in the flow.

This is also a week to remember to keep a healthy mindset. We are getting set up in a series of weeks where there seems to be two worlds, one of crushing karma and drama and one of revelations and lucky situations. I hope you are enjoying luck. Just be aware that any contracts signed this week will meet with some back tracking due to deficiencies. If something seems too good to be true, they you know that further examination is necessary before signing.

Another interesting event is happening in the skies this week. By January 14th many planets are following the Sun. You can’t see them because of the proximity of the Sun. What is going to happen is these orbs, Venus/Sun/ Pluto/Mercury/Saturn will be visited by the transiting Moon creating sparks of both emotional rollercoasters to deeper feelings of how things are shaping up.

This week also, the Sun and Venus go into Capricorn. For the game of romance, this means that tallies will be made of who has done what. Getting back to financial basics as the aftermath of Christmas shopping and taxes start to loom in our minds. For those who can work together and create better systems in their lives, joy will ensue. It never hurts to take a yearly review of where you are and where you want to go. This is a great time to do that with a level head. Expect to have a full month to get it together.

Uranus has been direct a few days now. What that means for a while is you won’t believe what you are experiencing. Just enough questions revolve around events in our lives that most should take the “wait and see” approach to how things are going. Do continue to have some optimism as that means we are breaking the wave of fear porn. But yet, untrustworthy situations will arise and you just need to demand proof while visualizing a constructive outcome.

Friday, January 12th, this is a great day to give a quick evaluation of how you feel about things in your life. What do you want and how is it shaping up? Do a double check on false facades as they are out there. Sometimes it is fine because we want to get along and put on a happy face. Take this as a time to negotiate or inquire if you sense something is not right. Moon in Scorpio.

Saturday, January 13th. Those that allow providence to occur will find that lucky are those who can trust their intuition. While in todays reality, that is a rare gift, most of us actually just have it turned down so that we don’t hear it. Let intuition flow and you will find some interesting surprises in your day. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, January 14th, the moon will be passing that impressive Stellum that follows the sun. We want to know more of what is just below the surface, but will have to wait until tomorrow for that to leak out. This would be a great day to just enjoy your life and then rest up for tomorrows events and news. Moon in Sagittarius.

Monday, January 15th, there will be a coming together of our collective consciousness today as long-awaited information starts to burst forward. The fiery aspect of Sagittarius brings thrust for honor, values and integrity. By the evening, there will be some bad luck for sneaky players around us. It will be like bad luck for someone trying to cheat of obfuscate the truth. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, January 16th, some important communications will shut off today. Don’t despair as they will show up tomorrow. There are some very heavy aspects for good and ill at this moment. If you are not in a fire storm, count your blessings. Moon goes into Capricorn later today.

Wednesday, January 17th, the public is let in on a secret today, but it is probably not earth moving. Just another piece of the puzzle. The good news is things will settle down by this evening on most fronts. Take a breather before things pick back up again when the Moon crosses Neptune’s path of social justice and concerns.

Thursday, January 18th, the lucky triad dissolves today and there will be a significant amount of back tracking. Odds are any contracts signed in the preceding days will meet with understanding the deficiencies. Sometimes agreements are just works in progress, so try not to over react. Think strategy and alternatives and grow from the situation if you are stuck with it. Moon in Capricorn.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, January 4, 2018



Take advantage of the shifting sands of your attitude and perceptions. Those Sagittarius ruminations of why are we here and how to enjoy life will take a shift into testing those theories. Next week, January 14th the Sun will start its journey in Capricorn. That will bring more attention to money, property and ego into focus. And the stresses are powerful at this time. Capricorn likes order, and we are in a time for disorder. Guard your assets and hold on for the ride.

Friday, January 5th, brings a lot of pressure to perform. It may seem that working at future projects just is to cumbersome. If you do come to a wall, turn towards how you are dealing with your stress and connecting with “group think”. While it feels good to be a rebel, what feels better is agreement to how we can work together. Consider your objectives and how honorable they are. A day when both philosophy and ethics reign supreme. Do your reality check and be ready for tomorrow.  Moon in Leo.

Saturday, January 6th, what was stifled yesterday gets a lucky boost today. Still many will have trouble seeing into the future, and that is just how life is sometimes. If you aren’t feeling like we are making this up as we go, then you are deluding yourself. Your addition to a positive future will gather strength with others creating that next phase. Still many unusual and surprising communications will keep our attention piqued. Should be a really interesting and possibly exciting day! Moon in Leo.

Sunday, January 7th, the last few days have been draining. Rather than try to fight any malaise or challenges, take a day off to get centered and rested. Fun activities are favored to bring your health back into focus. What better excuse do you need to do something completely different? Moon in Virgo.

Monday, January 8th, any outdated opinions or coercions will start to feel really awkward. If you are in that position, relating to anything from political leanings to how you fix your oatmeal in the morning, needs immediate attention. Probably a day that will be hard to make it to work, but that might be what you need to understand better, too. Attitude is everything today. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, January 9th, your emotions will give you a break with deeper understanding of the unsettling news and general drudge of life. It will feel like a threshold has been accomplished. Not much else will really have changed, but something in you has. Moon in Libra.

Wednesday, January 10th, the next couple of days will find a sense of optimism. Now some of this is just feel good but some of it is just knowing there is only so long you can fight an idea. It will drive you crazy to fight all the time. Chose your battles carefully and allow some optimism to creep in. Others will be doing the same, even if there is nothing to support it. Just enjoy the vibe and maybe it will gain some momentum. Right now, no one knows where we as a group are going. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, January 11th, information may stop flowing, but expect some fireworks to hit high places that need transformation. Hopes and dreams are on the line right now, and who knows where it will lead. Luck follows some and not so much for others. Those in touch with their feelings and intuition will do the best. Some difficult information is on the horizon, but it won’t be known for a while. Lots of challenges to getting it out in its entirety. That goes for things you may be negotiating all the way up to big guys. Because there is too much that is undefined, no one wants to hold on to an agreement, or argue for that matter. Moon in Scorpio by evening.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
