Thursday, November 30, 2017



One of the big shifts this week is Mars goes into Libra. When it is afflicted, like opposite Uranus the chaos maker, it will make decisions extra difficult. The worst trait of Libra is “sitting on a fence”. So until the 10th of December, expect to struggle with anything electronic, yes that includes deciding or getting packages. If Libra or Aries is prominent in your chart, expect to find it hard to fight your way out of the doldrums. My suggestion is to feed the soul and charge up for when things release later next week. Also if you have a square to Libra or Aries, expect to work harder at getting yourself going.

Also, after a rather difficult week last week, Mercury goes Retrograde on December 4th. The Station starts a bit earlier, but the real “hindsight” starts on the 4th. A key to this week will be consider motivations and intent with what you do, and with what others are doing.

Friday, December 1st, after yesterday’s power though the inertia, I hope you can let it go and take a different perspective of “why do I want this” instead of “how do I get this”. There is better energetic flow if you discover you truly are motivated to spend energy on that big task or if it is someone else’s perspective? A bit of time spent on concern for humanity can lead to some interesting shifts in awareness. Moon in Aries.

Saturday, December 2nd, the difficulty of the day is obsessiveness. Most of that is stubbornness in critical areas of your life. Those obsessive ideations are a indicator of what you really growth areas. In other words, if you know you have to go on a diet, yes health is heavily indicated here, but the holidays are going into overdrive. That sounds like a no win situation unless you find a third path… such as stick to your diet and exercise and eat lightly when presented something at a party. The problem is when you stress eat, then stress at a party and then stress that you went off of your goal. This applies to what ever is important growth in your life right now. Find that third path. Moon in Taurus.

Sunday, December 3rd, never underestimate the value of emotions. As today they will find every possible road block creating the gamut of frustration to gridlock. With Mars fully in Libra and opposed to Uranus, don’t expect much to get done or to stay done. What happens can be reversed. The only sane perspective is more of a mantra for this week which is your philosophy or ethics towards a situation. Intent is always as important as action. Moon in Taurus.

Monday, December 4th, today is the real start of backward motion of Mercury, yes it is Mercury Retrograde time again! It will be with us until just before Christmas. Could be a day of harsh realities clashing our core beliefs. There is room to move on all sides, but none of it is going to feel good. Hopefully that can be your test of needing to work harder at what needs to be changed. Should be an uphill climb for most agendas. The saving grace is there is a rectangle of opportunity that can happen. Know where you are on your spectrum of ethics and philosophy which is more of the important focus right now. Moon in Gemini.
Tuesday, December 5th, there is a Grand Trine today that can bring some real opportunities. Yes there is a stubbornness in having to make certain changes, but if you are open to the new situation, you can easily catch a wave for the day. Lots going on at once so keep up as the day flies by. Moon in Gemini.

Wednesday, December 6th, a T Square effecting the Moon in Cancer today will make you wonder how you got here. Again, in our process of dealing with our goals, we intersect with those who have their own agendas. What would make this day easier is more learn from each other rather than rant on their own individual soap box. Could be some emotional bleeding today. Moon in Cancer.

Thursday, December 7th, something has to give today as there will be winners and losers in the continuing saga of life. The Moon intersects with the North Node in Cancer making a great connection with the Sun and Venus in Scorpio. Could be great for romance, but other affairs of life, there is discord and angst. Mercury and Saturn will continue to dance together with some unusual situations being set up. It seems that the unorthodox is all that does work. Adjust accordingly. Moon in Cancer.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, November 23, 2017



A NOTE TO MY FOREIGN READERS, the grids and for some alignments may not reflect where you are. So for more precision, these forecasts are more for USA. 

The shifts this week will resemble a Mercury Retrograde, so when it actually happens next week, there will be little difference. Through the summer, the Grand Trine that has allowed us to weave through some of the snags, has dissipated with just a few harmonies to help us out. Those harmonies, or trines are fortunate surprises, lucky changes in the way people think and an openness that will start to show solidarity against what is dragging us down. We will just have to work harder or just simply continue what you are doing to help the common cause.

Venus will be shifting into Scorpio by the 26th, so get ready for the sheets to heat up, especially now that it is much cooler. This will carry us until December 18th when things can start to either become more playful or turn into a philosophical debate. Watch your words towards this time because you could wound your precious love.

A hint for those who are starting your Christmas shopping on line, I suggest that sensitive items are found more in the stores rather than on line. Delays, confusions, and mistakes could sabotage even the most careful shopper.

Friday, November 24th, if you try hard enough, you can start to feel your emotional center. The world is not cooperating with harmonies around you, but there is a certain stillness that can be had if you look at what comes from your healing heart. Yes, that is “code” for inner work that brings you into a reality check. Probably a level of harsh reality in that awareness, but we as a species, seem to need crisis to get motivated. Make the best of your situation. Moon in Capricorn.

Saturday, November 25th, as a contrast to yesterday’s epiphany, today has great promise to bring a better sense of where you are in the great mysteries of life. We all have a part in this production called life, and even in our imperfectness, there is perfection. What you cannot do, inspires another to fill in the blank. To add to the duality of the day, there can also be a glimmer of how to be more self-sufficient when news brings yet another safety net disappearing. Perhaps this means you need to speak up for what is important, just remember too much “me” is not going to help the situation. Frame discussions on you as part of a group.  Broad changes need some checks and balances to prevent too much destabilization. Moon in Aquarius.

Sunday, November 26th, today, Venus starts to go into Scorpio. While this could light your fire, it can also demand changes to bad habits. Yep, Scorpio is influencing the Sun too so there is need to transform into something greater.  Try not to fall into past traps or habits as today is the time to bring up the needed change, with compassion. If you try to sting your way to molding your significant other, the response will be an over correction. Words and news (Mercury) combined with expressions on the surface (Sun) are traveling in the tail of the scorpion. Communications can seem like attacks, which will go from resistance to wounding over the next several days. A tricky day at best! Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, November 27th, your health can be contingent on how well yesterday went. Dark secrets of the past, have a way of wiggling out of the corner. If you can be considerate of another’s foibles, then your exposures to the past will be better tolerated. Mars is almost opposite Uranus for the next week, so if you find an action is getting weird or there are unpredictable results, it is time to slow down on what you are doing. Mistakes can and will be made by even the most proficient. Moon in Aquarius.

Tuesday, November 28th, for every difficulty, there is an alternative but satisfying solution. This is time to think out of the box whenever you can. There is significant stress to operate differently because of a conflict of outcome vs. expectation. Yes, traditions are significant but if they just don’t fit today, it is time to adjust. To coin a New Age term, this is growth. Moon in Pisces.

Wednesday, November 29th, this could be a day of having to trust in the right thing happening. There is a process to any event or system. In that, there are swings from one extreme to another until the happy medium is achieved. Believe in the “Goldie locks zone”. The trickster, Uranus, is actually behaving as a flow of information and availability. But yet for a few weeks is also opposite Mars. Forcing your actions on another will backfire. Moon in Pisces.

Thursday, November 30th, another day not to force your agenda on another. In some ways this is a day where the self-absorbed, i.e. pushy people in your life, will meet with some comeuppance. Stand out of the way and let it happen! Your mission is to trust in love and show how you feel to those closest to you. If you are not in love, well, it will be bumpy. Truly a time for some new beginnings.  Moon in Aries.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, November 16, 2017



The week starts out with the Sun moving into Scorpio the transformer. Depending on where you are in your process, this could be a rough month or one of settling comfortably into your grove. Some heavyweight planets are tracking with the Sun for a while creating just enough clarity to find your center. Neptune is still in good aspect with this train of planets (Venus, Jupiter) and on this Friday, the Moon all in Libra. Justice is on the road to discovery, but there is still a lot that is hidden with the squared action to Neptune. This square is with Mercury which is trying to mix words and divert attention. Don’t be fooled. Also expect some mixed situations when it comes to stability. An oxymoron if I ever heard one! This is a time to believe in come-uppance and karma. Those shocks will shake the corrosion from the foundation, up.

There is also a lingering Triad with Mars, North Node and Mercury this week. What this could bring is good news for those keeping track of details, correcting faulty situations and bringing it all home to be “enjoyed”. The perplexing part of this is with Saturn and Neptune at odds with other aspects, what that looks like is a smile that hides a living lie. The underlying push is letting go of the outdated or corrupt. Keep your fingers crossed that it is not subverted to nefarious games.

Friday, November 17th, in the world of romance, higher consciousness associations will flow like honey. Not only will things be tender, but even the mundane aspects of couples will bring deeper connections. I would call that becoming comfortable. This is a day to focus on your strengths and how you can be the best you can be. Leave some room for humanity seen as  human error. That can be the most endearing quality to explore. Moon in Libra.

Saturday, November 18th, as a New Moon, this is a great day to step out in your well-earned next phase. If you are launching an aspect or dream, there will be good response today. Expect things to be high energy also. There is a good match of intuitive connections with what you are doing. I get life as a work in progress, and this day will offer lots of pointers for improvement as well as bullseyes. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, November 19th, there could be some crazy good news today. Sources are unconventional. If you like to work with synchronicities, keep an eye out for signs from around you telling you if you are on track, or not. Make your adjustments accordingly. With the news, can come some good luck from your efforts. Moon in Scorpio.

Monday, November 20th, we are on a roll for lucky situations. Some of the hidden agendas are now illuminated. While you may be too busy adjusting your personal life to changes and opportunities, the bigger realm of life is also making adjustments to news and foundations making a forward quantum leap. Hold positive space for the best for all possibilities. Technically this is a time that the Moon is moving into the Scorpion’s tail, so not everyone is going to be happy, but they have been needing a wakeup call. Moon in Sagittarius by mid day. 

Tuesday, November 21st, another great day. There will be unsettling news but it hits a chord of harmony for most. Stay on course with your own agendas and put in the work you need to succeed. Rewards are probably swirling all around you. Moon in Sagittarius.

Wednesday, November 22nd, there could be a fair amount of anxiety about the future today. This time will pass. What is important to not panic and consider any fears as potential points to make course corrections. The last few days may have been easy for many and when you hit a pot hole in the road of life, it can be perceived as a bigger issue than what it is. Adjust your methods, and refine today. Moon I Sagittarius.

Thursday, November 23rd, today has some difficult spots still to sort out. Fortunately, there are solutions and they come by surprise. Maybe hold off on too much action until you have had a chance to discuss issues with confidants, or your dad if he is an expert in the field. Keep concepts fluid and not specific. Better answers will evolve. So much is going well with that new foundation, you are just having to deal with a round of uneasy feelings. Moon in Capricorn.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, November 9, 2017



For those who are ready for reconnection with human kind, we are entering a pattern of greater togetherness and understanding. It won’t be without some bumps, but Venus, Jupiter and angles setting up with Neptune and Chiron for the next few weeks, will create some soothing moments. The truth will still need to be faced. Make this a time to point out where we all have been manipulated, rather than adding insults to injuries. All of last year and much of this year have been stymied by hidden agendas. Ask yourself, who benefits from this perspective? This is a time for reality checks and getting back on course.

For those interested in romance, this dance around Venus can bring some deeper understandings between lovers and friends. After such a long dry spell of Venus in freewheeling and independent signs, it is a relief to usher in the fall season with some real warmth. We have all been tested with a cold cruel world. It is time to savor the other side of the paradigm.

Friday, November 10th, the cult of personality is meeting with facing the reality of their situation. Truth is starting to force its way into the mainstream. Continue taking a “wait and see” attitude instead of wanting to suck in unfiltered information. Getting information too soon means you are open to subversive intentions that can upset you and paint a false image. This is a pattern for a few weeks, so avoid what equals gossip. With emotions high the next couple of days, discernment is the key word here. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, November 11th, the first part of the day focuses on the “can do” spirit in all of us. Yes, you could defer to someone else, but there is satisfaction in tackling a challenge and seeing how far you can go on your own efforts. Build some self-confidence by using your own ingenuity in personal needs and problems. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, November 12th, tough news overnight creates a fragile mind and heart. Don’t disconnect from your core humanity. This is meant to degrade you. Don’t let it. Look for better perspectives because projections from some news is meant to obscure what is really happening. There is just enough chaos to let the real picture emerge. Moon in Leo.

Monday, November 13th, conflicting facts greet us in the morning. It will be hard to drag out of bed and start your day, but you know you have to make it into work. Fight the urge to call in sick. Part of the lethargy is the deep desire to move ahead of the confusion. Trust me, many are tired of wandering in a fog. Be a “fog light” which can only be done by demanding authenticity in our sources and those we look up to. Destroying trust means ripping the moral fiber of our inner psyches. Resist the assault. Accomplish something today. Fortunately, some of the conflicts of the past few days have lessened. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, November 14th, later in the day the Moon will aspect Mars creating a tango of fighting both internal in external battles for value in personal rights and what information we are getting. The recent focus with Mercury makes me wonder if some interesting changes in media are on the horizon? Details matter. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, November 15th, this is a day where restrictions are being challenged. A sense of changing tide brings some careful optimism. Still some important matters revolving around how people in general are being sidetracked by nefarious agendas, will be in the news. Transformation seems to take so long, but it has to proceed in careful manner so unintended consequences are avoided. Moon in Virgo.

Thursday, November 16th, yesterday’s revelations, in both the big world and the one close at hand, will continue to flow. This is big, really big today. Some pivotal opening is being unveiled. With Libra being the primary influence, matters pertaining to the law, justice and harmony are all in focus. Romance can also see heightening of connections as the day progresses. The evening news should have some clearer vision of the big events if you are not busy with a romantic dinner with your loved one(s). Moon in Libra.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


Thursday, November 2, 2017



Right now there is a happiness factor that many have not felt in a long time. Not everyone is enjoying the unusual experiences, opportunities and windfalls, but those who have been in the right groove will feel the joy. Count your blessings as they come!

Venus enters into Libra on Friday. She has been fickle, finicky and frustrating lately, but she is promising to behave herself for the next month…. Mostly. There is an opposition with Uranus for this week, so what is one person’s loss is another’s gain. Treat what is valuable like a jewel. More people will be coming to decisions to pair up, hopefully for the best. Again, Uranus makes this connection out of the ordinary with some difficulties. But remember the words of Shakespeare, “is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it picks like a thorn”.

Neptune is singing in harmony with the news, what is being seen and changes for the better. We all have to remember that the wheel of fortune can drag us up as well as down. Neptune is more about how the mass consciousness is perceiving reality. Right now, there is a huge chance to heal, so keep it open. There have been some serious nefarious undercurrents at play for years, and they are meeting their test of illumination.  The web is in many areas, not just one. Much of what comes out will not be pleasant for selfish and abusive souls. There is a lesson to be learned on both sides of the pendulum. Those who have been self-serving will have to transform or the truth will be brutal.

Friday, November 3rd, new beginnings will be hard to launch. Instead this full moon eve would be better spent tying into a collective consciousness rather than an internal dialogue. Monkey mind could be your downfall, so be with those you trust and discuss rather than proclaim. Moon in Aries.

Saturday, November 4th, deciphering the truth is far more important than seeing how all the pieces will fit together. This day is one of collecting information and trusting the process. Maybe what you find will not be actually what you need, but it could well be an important stepping stone to the discovery. Moon in Aries.

Sunday, November 5th, curb those obsessive tendencies. All the chess pieces are not in place at this time, and whatever you may be striving for is just out of reach. This is a day to sort out what is known and just rest otherwise. Pacing yourself in life is hard when you are not patient. Moon in Taurus.

Monday, November 6th, watch out for those who think they are right and will attack you for not doing as they say. Frustration is bubbling just under view and could erupt at any time. Stay safe and look up at faces to see what is going on around you. Especially the rest of the week. Moon in Taurus.

Tuesday, November 7th, look out for some truly magical times from just before noon Central time and until just before 4pm. This is a fire and air mix of two Grand Trines. Expect some amazing information, correspondence, anything Mercurial to set the wheels of creation into motion. While this will require grounding once it is initiated, if you are ready for something special, this is the time to be very present in your day. Hum, maybe I will slate that day for painting. A way of pulling something internal into the external. Moon in Gemini.

Wednesday, November 8th, all eyes are on the great transformer, Pluto as it gets a dose of rectifying fact with spin and how that shapes the future. As an individual, listen to a few points of view, but don’t overload on news. Get the summation rather than the blow by blow. Trust me, things will be more like quicksand than foundational. Oh, in the world of romance, you will have to work extra hard to make things gel as Uranus the trickster is teasing with Venus for one more day. She is moving quickly out of range so this weekend will be much better. Moon in Gemini.

Thursday, November 9th, emotions will be strong and unreliable. But if you can hold onto what is actually being said, without falling into flawed inner dialogue, you will find this day is rather exceptional. Most of us are working towards understanding our shifting landscape. So, this  revelation is likely to be more benefit than hinderance. Keep your sights high. Moon in Cancer.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen
