One of the big shifts this week is Mars goes into Libra.
When it is afflicted, like opposite Uranus the chaos maker, it will make
decisions extra difficult. The worst trait of Libra is “sitting on a fence”. So
until the 10th of December, expect to struggle with anything
electronic, yes that includes deciding or getting packages. If Libra or Aries
is prominent in your chart, expect to find it hard to fight your way out of the
doldrums. My suggestion is to feed the soul and charge up for when things
release later next week. Also if you have a square to Libra or Aries, expect to
work harder at getting yourself going.
Also, after a rather difficult week last week, Mercury goes
Retrograde on December 4th. The Station starts a bit earlier, but
the real “hindsight” starts on the 4th. A key to this week will be
consider motivations and intent with what you do, and with what others are
Friday, December 1st,
after yesterday’s power though the inertia, I hope you can let it go and take a
different perspective of “why do I want this” instead of “how do I get this”.
There is better energetic flow if you discover you truly are motivated to spend
energy on that big task or if it is someone else’s perspective? A bit of time
spent on concern for humanity can lead to some interesting shifts in awareness.
Moon in Aries.
Saturday, December 2nd,
the difficulty of the day is obsessiveness. Most of that is stubbornness in
critical areas of your life. Those obsessive ideations are a indicator of what
you really growth areas. In other words, if you know you have to go on a diet,
yes health is heavily indicated here, but the holidays are going into
overdrive. That sounds like a no win situation unless you find a third path…
such as stick to your diet and exercise and eat lightly when presented
something at a party. The problem is when you stress eat, then stress at a
party and then stress that you went off of your goal. This applies to what ever
is important growth in your life right now. Find that third path. Moon in
Sunday, December 3rd,
never underestimate the value of emotions. As today they will find every
possible road block creating the gamut of frustration to gridlock. With Mars
fully in Libra and opposed to Uranus, don’t expect much to get done or to stay
done. What happens can be reversed. The only sane perspective is more of a
mantra for this week which is your philosophy or ethics towards a situation.
Intent is always as important as action. Moon in Taurus.
Monday, December 4th,
today is the real start of backward motion of Mercury, yes it is Mercury Retrograde
time again! It will be with us until just before Christmas. Could be a day of
harsh realities clashing our core beliefs. There is room to move on all sides,
but none of it is going to feel good. Hopefully that can be your test of
needing to work harder at what needs to be changed. Should be an uphill climb
for most agendas. The saving grace is there is a rectangle of opportunity that
can happen. Know where you are on your spectrum of ethics and philosophy which
is more of the important focus right now. Moon in Gemini.
Tuesday, December 5th,
there is a Grand Trine today that can bring some real opportunities. Yes there
is a stubbornness in having to make certain changes, but if you are open to the
new situation, you can easily catch a wave for the day. Lots going on at once
so keep up as the day flies by. Moon in Gemini.
Wednesday, December 6th,
a T Square effecting the Moon in Cancer today will make you wonder how you got
here. Again, in our process of dealing with our goals, we intersect with those
who have their own agendas. What would make this day easier is more learn from
each other rather than rant on their own individual soap box. Could be some
emotional bleeding today. Moon in Cancer.
Thursday, December 7th,
something has to give today as there will be winners and losers in the
continuing saga of life. The Moon intersects with the North Node in Cancer
making a great connection with the Sun and Venus in Scorpio. Could be great for
romance, but other affairs of life, there is discord and angst. Mercury and Saturn
will continue to dance together with some unusual situations being set up. It seems
that the unorthodox is all that does work. Adjust accordingly. Moon in Cancer.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen