Thursday, July 6, 2017



Later this week, Mars will shift from Gemini to Cancer. Depending on the situation, actions can go from harsh realities to either moody (if it is afflicted in your chart) to taking your aggressions home. In a bigger picture, this could be those who are trying to push an agenda will get so moody that no one wants to deal with them. The tougher side of Mars in Cancer will be experienced until mid-week where things should settle down after a big blow up. Be careful not to vent on those who are not up to listening. Some will take it personally and you will have a lot of work to make up the damage.

As for those concerned about romance, Venus will be in sensitive negotiations laying ground work for the next phase. Playing house will no longer be enough. In other words, commitments could be made this week. With the exception of July 11th, when Venus will lose touch with the little Hermes, Mercury, and then will shift to a favorable trine with Jupiter in Virgo on the 12th. Be it out of practicality or health, the later part of the week will certainly look differently than the way the week started out.

The Grand Trine with North Node (draconian point of destiny and future), Saturn (the old taskmaster of lessons) and Uranus (of surprises and unusual situations), will continue another week. July 13th, 14th and 15th will have a lot of things pull together. What does not fit, needs to be set aside. If you don’t mind the occasional few closed doors to opportunity this could be a very magical week, but not on the actual full moon.

Friday, July 7th, the day starts out with a certain attitude. What you chose as that attitude, will make a great deal influence on your outcome. The Moon will move conjunct Saturn in Scorpio then into Moon in Sagittarius. If you are staying present, you could go from revelation that discards an untenable situation and then opens up to unscheduled possibilities. Remember that much of what is in this alinement is in retrograde. Which puts the work and affect back in your hands and heart. Choose carefully. This will mater a lot. Much healing from messages and self-improvement is favored today. Take some time and make some wishes on the Moon. Moon in Sagittarius by midday.

Saturday, July 8th is the full moon will intensify emotional responses especially in areas of honor, patriotism and seeking adventure. Another day of healing and transformation as the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Sagittarius later this day. Feel the force of what is happening and act accordingly. If your response sounds like tough love, maybe you should consult an etiquette book before you go forward. Your own insights will be missing important understandings thereby creating the wrong response to whatever is the problem. That will be hard to bring back into harmony. Moon in Sagittarius.

Sunday, July 9th, another day where if you get it wrong, you will be stuck with the results a long time. Again, look at social norms and try to study the cause an effect of any action. Obsessiveness is pushing hard on those forced to make a change. Don’t hold onto the wrong concepts. Think honor, dignity, home and hearth. Moon in Sagittarius.

Monday, July 10th, another day where emotions are tense. Be careful with your words as they will carry lots of harsh damage. Do you really want to do that just because you feel out of sorts? A showdown to making commitments and alliances is coming up. Fortunately, the unexpected twists will be ironed out somewhat by now and you have a better idea what you are dealing with. Moon in Capricorn.

Tuesday, July 11th, is when Venus just drops communication and finds lovers and loved ones not knowing what is next. Give it a day, and examine carefully what you need so you are prepared for tomorrow. Mars goes into that 29* Gemini with a trine to Neptune. What this says, with other indicators, is how the group thinks will be very important. Every issue that has festered over the last month will come into review. It should be positively worked out, only if details are considered and function flows with workable form. That is a tough order for anyone in leadership. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, July 12th, communication and feelings are still very testy. As long as feelings and money are constructively discussed, then by tomorrow an agreement can get closer to fruition. This might be a hard time to adjust the budget, but family will benefit if they do so today. Make sure all details are considered. No fair leaving out important setbacks for repairs. this could be a day where you just want to toss any negotiations out the door. Instead, try to understand motivations rather than make a decision. The Moon has shifted into Aquarius which could mean people are holding on to ideals rather than workable ideas. Everyone needs to come down for a reality check. Perfect is for the divine, and man is allowed to step it down a bit. Moon in Aquarius.

Thursday, July 13th, many will be pouting in their corner insisting on their version of what should be done. Don’t try to negotiate all the details right now. Just set up a list and work on positive and negative columns to decide later. Let your heart into the works as Venus will be trying to incorporate commitments in the long picture. Delicate and obsessive situations can happen. Just tells you how high the stakes are to get this right the first time. Moon in Aquarius.

Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen


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