Friday, October 19, 2018


Sorry to say I am having equipment problems and the astrology report will be delayed until I can get what I need.

Thursday, October 11, 2018



The shift for this week is Jupiter moves into Libra. It is not a fast-moving planet, so get ready to re establish how we judge one another and find that point of compromise. There is a strong emotional undertone that will follow Jupiter as a Grand Trine in Water forms with healing agencies, the future and our opportunities. This will run well past the election.

Aspects with Mars this week will make it very high intensity concerning the material world. Money, property, jobs all will be exposed to some unfortunate truths. Guard your money, don’t buy unnecessary things and you can control losses.

Friday, October 12th, expect the news to run contrary to what is actually happening. Unexpected revelations may set things into doubtful territory. Some of this is just to de-humanize us and break our will to fight. But if you do that now, fixing things later will be much harder. Time to trust the process and stay aware. Could be a very stressful day but then it might be hard to distinguish from any other stressful day. Moon in Scorpio.

Saturday, October 13th, this is a day of repressive actions and merciless pressure for control. Instead of freaking out, consider this a time to see clearly what needs to change and how to do it. Faulty premises are emerging in expected places. Moon in Scorpio.

Sunday, October 14th, expect certain players to be called out on their misguided domination. The next couple of days are particularly straining as the Moon traverses Saturn and Pluto in Sagittarius. Sagittarius demands higher standards or all hell could break loose. Don’t anger the Centaur! This is not a time to be holding on to antiquated philosophies as they will receive loud and vigorous complaints. Better to be open to fixing problems rather than creating more divisiveness. Moon in Sagittarius.

Monday, October 15th, the weekend fallout is still hard to grasp. There is an unacceptable reason for this, as struggles to hold onto poor decisions is forced into the open. The things you see up front and personal are under scrutiny. The whole system is going to creak like a sinking ship. Be sure you have a life jacket and supplies. Moon in Sagittarius.

Tuesday, October 16th, the struggle seems darker and meaner than a few days ago. It would not surprise me if things that have to do with money markets ushers in some scary times over the next few days. Compassionate change is rewarded, where greed is not. Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, October 17th, there is a double whammy on Mars in Capricorn today as the Moon brings out deep seated problems. The numbers are not adding up, and hopefully only red ink will flow. Strange and unexpected events will flow so keep a close eye on your position and where things are going. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, October 18th, new aspects emerge to the week’s drama/trauma. Higher forces are at work, so there is really a silver lining. But it will be a while before it is revealed. We have been living with a hidden agenda for a while, but this Grand Trine in Water could well help ease a lot of the pain. Moon in Capricorn.

Thursday, October 4, 2018



I suspect that issues around love, sex, romance and relationships will be foremost in our thoughts. She goes retrograde in Libra this week and will be square to Mars in cold and hard Capricorn. Facing issues with the battle of the sexes and the cost to our needs and desires will be both collectively and individually in focus. While the individual struggles will be harsh, the bigger picture will find fertile ground to change. We are definitely re thinking what gender relationships mean to the over all context of society. There will be challenges for about 6 weeks until November 16th when Venus starts to go direct again. More of this will feel like festering sores, so get help if you need it. Healing is possible so ask for your share.

Mercury goes into Libra this week also asking us to do what is just and fair. Conversations should revolve around this. Expect the throwbacks to what are now failed laws, words or excuses to be aired. Don’t fall of it. There is a time when tradition is important until it clearly causes harm. Let’s not sweep up the issues of fairness and justice under the carpet.

By weeks’ end, Jupiter will go out of Libra and into Scorpio. Look for a great healing to show up in big ways. We all need it, and just staying actively in touch with the daily news turns out to be an act of penance and revolution. As I have mentioned before, any planet at 29 degrees brings out all the nasties to review. Once it shifts into the next sign, which turns out to relate to rising above the fray and soar, or change or die. It is always our choice to meet our challenges with courage and our full attention. This week will show us yet another issue that we need to rise above or it will cripple us.

A T Square will develop this week until the 14th that will push bigger and bigger pressures on what we hear about interpersonal relationships and what we want in life. Mercury in Libra, the North Node in Cancer and Uranus in Aries travel together in uneasy company while we hear all out in the open about justice and then it works into relationships. Those who are more stable help out those who need an understanding ear.

Friday, October 5th, greets the day with a Grand Trine in Fire. Work on things that create stability both emotionally and ethically. Winning battle lines will be fought along these areas of life. You know you are on the right track when it feels healing rather than authoritarian. This is the last day that Mars and the Draconian points will be agitated. Even if this note is not played loud enough, it will be heard or felt. Moon in Leo.

Saturday, October 6th, tensions grow when some try to hold onto something they have invested too much energy. Of course, no one wants to be wrong. Perhaps a different perspective would be wiser. Such as, we played that concept until all the variations have been explored. Now it is time to look at the cause and effect and make course corrections. That takes the pressure off of “wrong” and “right” and allows for growth. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, October 7th, looks like a day to trust the process. Unless you are making up the rules as you go, as that won’t fly today. Good things happen to those who keep receipts, document their experiences and make decisions based on good data. The process you use is important to your success. Don’t play fast and loose with it. Moon in Leo and in Virgo by mid-day.  

Monday, October 8th, a good day to work with your accountant of financial affairs. Practical affairs bare the greatest benefits. Fix things around the house or do the extra effort to create that physical form of whatever you want to do. Moon in Virgo.   

Tuesday, October 9th, while the future seems rather mercy, take this time to simply enjoy with gratitude what you know is yours. Keeping your words and thoughts in balance may be a bigger challenge considering what the greater world is demonstrating. A good day to take a break and just get the clift notes on the day’s occurrences. It may just be too intense. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, October 10th, watch out for random comments that may injure. Keep your thoughts to yourself and try to observe rather than actually get in a fight. The Libra moon should help your keep your place in the whole in better perspective. Just don’t wound because you can. That just slows the healing process. Moon in Libra.

Thursday, October 11th, with the Moon conjunct Jupiter in newly placed Scorpio, know that some real healing is here in a big way. Some it is going to be harsh on those who are stubborn or just to mean to believe. The future should seem brighter today! Moon in Libra until late afternoon.