Mars and
Jupiter in Libra will be accentuating big bold moves in things that relate to
the way we operate together. Some of that will be good and some will test our
patience. Through January 17th, this action and abundance mode will
be in full swing. Just remember that when it gets to mid-January, a new period
of purging the old and embracing the new will begin, and that might not be so
polite as the first part of the month. Build some good will while you can. This
gradual conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Libra will culminate on midday
January 1st through most of January 2nd. I would like to
propose rather than staying up late to usher in the new year, to have open
houses on the 1st by connecting with the people in your life that
are important. The tone we set for the first day of the year, which is also
timed with a full moon, can be earth shaking… in a good way! If that is not
possible, then spending the day in gratitude and some austerity would be a
wonderful counter to the excesses that have ended the year. Set the tone of
Also, a
short note on January being a double full moon event. The first day and mostly
the last day of January will have a full moon. The one at the end of the month
will also be a super moon and eclipse. Eclipses can be turning points in who
you were and who you are becoming. Take the hints and opportunity to use the
first full moon, January 1st, and create a wave of good deeds and
gifts for the month and hopefully the rest of the year. Attitude and gratitude
are everything right now.
Friday, December 29th, Risky behavior will case a
backlash. Better to consider how actions will affect your health and how others
look at you. In general, the news will say something inspiring and momentous,
but we feel like we are going backwards and we are. Ask yourself if this is a
history lesson being repeated and act accordingly. What is the best strategy on
this edgy day is to make plans for the future that include your goals without
the bad attitude. You are setting a tone, or shift in consciousness which can
help tip the tide of depressive free fall. Those with heavy Aries influences,
be very careful with your tendency for showing off or shock and awe. That
behavior will really upset those you love. Moon in Aries.
Saturday, December 30th, present your best social face
around noon, you know, smile and act polite. If practiced enough, then the
pattern will be set as well as some of the bonuses of optimism. Others are
watching and will judge you the rest of the day by your behavior. Give them a
good impression! There are few difficulties today as people do their daily
activities. But there is a heightened sense of anticipation as the new year and
full moon approach. Moon in Taurus.
Sunday, December 31st news is likely to act as daggers to
the heart. Be careful with what you say and what you think as they can bring
some unintended consequences. Watch your health also. If you need to make some
life style changes, begin with them today. The next couple of days will be
setting a tone for your next year, make it count. Moon in Taurus.
Monday, January 1st, Happy New Year to you all. We need
to see something other than contentious and debilitating agendas. While it
won’t last, do get used to the groove of feeling centered, grateful and content
with what you have. With the full moon in Gemini we will be all over the place
with our desires. Focus those thoughts and avoid monkey mind of losses or
disappointments. An after effect of a world of wanting more, we could learn to
appreciate just what we have and how much that really is. This is a great day
to call upon those you care about and have an open house where you wish each
other something special and just be happy. Lots of magic can occur if we set
the new year in the right tone. Moon in Gemini.
Tuesday, January 2nd, we have one last day of testing our
new perspective of good will towards man. Balancing out your thoughts with
higher philosophical platitudes will go a long way. Make the best of the near
conjunction of Venus and the Sun in Sagittarius with higher ideals and
understanding. Moon in Gemini.
Wednesday, January 3rd, your need for crutches and
indulgences will be strong. You have probably taken some steps to improve your
lot in life. This could be a test for those without the full resolve to be
successful. Be strong, and you can go with the flow you desire. You just need
to show the powers that be you are engaged and mean what you say. Moon in
Thursday, January 4th, fortuitous news comes our way as a
Grand Trine connects with lucky synchronicities and where we need to go in the
future. Be on your best behavior, like you have been for a few days and lots of
great things can come your way. These really could be very good things, and
maybe more in the genre of offers from others, as your personal efforts have
lots of blocks. Look at it as the universe letting you know you are on the
right track. Moon in Cancer.
Blessings and peace,
Connie Hansen