Friday, July 29th, there is an undercurrent of
understanding the aspects of “for better or worse” in the general feel to how
the world is moving. Ideals are clashing with leadership pulling together
factions. And deep needs for transformation in a worldwide patterns. Yes, this
did not happen overnight and will not change with wishful thinking. We are at a
crossroads and must find a way to navigate, just not in a violent way. The good
aspects have us in a better situation than we want to acknowledge. The next few
days of obsessiveness will try to drag down any harmony or benefit we actually
have. Don’t give into the hype. Moon in Taurus.
Saturday, July 30th, what was overwhelming yesterday, seems more
negotiable today. The issues are still there, but communication about what is
actually needed is up for real debate. Not everyone can really debate without
falling into fixed positions. Try to stay out of vitriol. Moon in Gemini.
Sunday, July 31st, another frustrating day. The
key pieces of moving forward are there, so just keep level headed. So much is
still unknown. All the pieces are not fitting which makes for many just
simmering below the boiling point. A new piece to the puzzle will be revealed
today. Maybe the bigger challenge of the day is understanding that manipulation
has been woven into our lives and we are just seeing another veil lift relating
to the web. We can figure this out if you can step back from the monkey mind
and let the pieces fall together. Moon in Gemini.
Monday, August 1st, I challenge you to find the
silver lining and healing in the situation. There is one to be found if we just
allow ourselves to step away from the entrenched positions. There are some
really lucky situations if you can keep your emotional antennae open to what
there is to grasp. The morning will be luckier than the afternoon. Moon goes into Cancer by afternoon.
Tuesday, August 2nd, I can’t help but want to hum
the Rolling Stones song, “you can’t always get what you want, but you always
get what you need”. This should be your mantra today. In a world of egotism,
individualism and stubbornness, we forget that there is a greater synergy that
must be recognized. We have been unable to compromise in the affairs around us,
which has lead to some super hard edges which have cut us into many pieces.
Take a breath, find a bit of grace in having your daily needs, and count your
blessings today. That may be the only way to find a smile. Moon in Cancer.
Wednesday, August 3rd, where the heart is, is
where happiness will reside. Our life lessons both in the intimate and external
are being forced to re-evaluate what is acceptable. The outer world has been
formed by bigger forces than we like to acknowledge. Our place is only a small
segment of that. Fortunately, while wheeling and dealing goes on around us, we
are allowed moments of intimacy and happiness if we realize we are powerful in
our own sphere. It could be a day where you decide what is real power vs.
imagined. Moon in Cancer.
Thursday, August 4th, a stellum, or cluster of
planets in the same sign, has fully formed in Leo. It will be part of a spoke
to a T Square with the old taskmaster, Saturn. This is a tense time of deciding
leadership and what that will look like. Just when you thought it could not get
worse, expect the political rhetoric to heighten for a few weeks. What does
America really want? Have we become so isolated and desensitized to the traumas
of life that we don’t care about our neighbor or that desperate person without
a face? One of our life lessons is to know that luck have more to do with prosperity
than ever before. It is not a level playing field and those wrangling the odds
could care less about others. We need to hold accountable those who are really
pulling the strings, and they are just out of view. Despite all this futility
of the desire for change not all the luck resides with the chosen few. Take
your moments when you can. Moon in Leo.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen