Monday, December 29, 2014

Cosmic Waves Forecast Dec 26 thru Jan 4 2015

As one year comes to a boisterous end, so will start another. The holidays have kept me busy with connecting with old and new friends. And so I hope to add more new friends and keep the old ones too in this next year. I wish I could say that as clear the decks and set up a new prosperity, but many of 2014’s difficulties will carry over into 2015. This is mostly due to the T Square and square with Pluto that old transformation mogul and Uranus creating chaos and curiosity. Most of this bigger stuff relates to the world at large which we only sometimes have an active participation. So consider that as you enter this New Year and focus on where you make a difference.
To keep this simple for the holiday break, here are the dailies:
Here is the pod cast for those who want to listen to the report. Unfortunately, Santa did not leave me a new microphone, so I may now need to look at some after holiday sales on tech stuff. :
Friday, December 26th with Mercury (communication) still aspecting Pluto (change and death) there is a lot of bad news out there pointing directly at what needs changing. If you are tired of the same old doom and gloom, tune in for the next few days on where humanity rises above the anger, frustration and prejudice. The moon in Aquarius is activating the planets of humanity, and social conscious. Expect to find where we rise above the least common denominator and show what positive humanity is capable. With the sidereal connections to change relating to higher truths, consciousness and a bit of fun in the mix; we could well see a turn in the tide today. The planetary connection will continue the rest of the week, but we will feel a new level today.
Saturday, December 27th later on in the day will find the Moon slide into Pisces bringing a solid connection with how we view stability and gratitude. Other elements have us knowing our actions are well focused on the future, and how handling the past hurts in a positive way. Tune out of the opinions and find solace in the facts. Ground work in earthy matters is well rewarded.
Sunday, December 28th finding your bearing will be tough today. The Moon activates the unusual things in life that wound us but yet feed us. Consider whether something is for your best interest and put your energy into that. Like any sacrifice it may come out of nowhere. So try to understand the karmic lesson in front of you, deal with it in a conscious way and do your best.
Monday, December 29th look for a bit of luck coming your way most of this day. it will either be some synchronicity or good news related to a job, work or wealth. Act quickly as this will be a fleeting moment to be captured. There are some difficult aspects with this opportunity that could create more change that you are comfortable. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, but quickly.
Tuesday, December 30th the moon slips into sidereal Aries day creating a set of mixed information. For a while now, a strong subversive projection to what is really going on in the big picture. The link that will help you navigate is how your own ability to be self motivated or be self sufficient.  It is important to consider your place in how things are done, but not to the exclusion of doing what you can for yourself. Be smart with your feelings and don’t head off to a cave to live off of the land just yet.
Wednesday, December 31st  News Year Eve bringing a lot of resolutions, reflections and a unique set of dependencies. Seems like yesterdays desire to do it alone is reminded that we have to have some help in certain areas. Instead of trying to pull together last minute ideas or deals, give it a rest. For procrastinators, this could well be a lesson in not waiting for the last minute to finish up something you thought up months ago. The inertia will be major today.
Thursday, January 1, 2015 while the state of affairs seems hopelessly confounding, communicate with those who you love, like and support your moral. It will be the small glimmer of grounding available today. Take heart, you who have been doing your best will eventually get to your goal. The future and your past addictions may be calling your name in a spooky way, so remember you are interested in being the best you possibly can be this year… and trust that. Tomorrow’s intuition will be helpful.
Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen