Thursday, May 12, 2016


Sidereal Western Astrology
 Friday, May 13th, Allow yourself to sense the synchronicities. The images that others are presenting may not truly demonstrate what is really going on. Dig deeper and ask questions. Trust that in a few days things will open up to something more workable. Moon in Cancer.

Saturday, May 14th, later today expect some wonderful new situations to open up. Also if you have been passed up for something, or things go wrong, there is a reason you should not be going in that direction. Trust it and relax. Moon in Leo.

Sunday, May 15th, turn off the TV. Go out and get some fresh air. Socialize with friends and family but do not talk politics. All that is right with the world is also traveling with all that is wrong. There could be heightened emotions about who is right. Don’t get pulled into that situation because there is so much not known, even the brightest will fall into the mass illusion. Keep it un debatable, like who makes the best pie and serves the best coffee and what you like about it. The Moon is conjoining that powerful crux of the T Square and Grand Trine of Neptune opposition with Jupiter/ North Node right now and emotions are on high alert. And no one knows what is really going on. My guess is aliens did it… Moon in Leo.

Monday, May 16th, another day to stay focused on your work rather than the rhetoric you hear at the water cooler. We are all being played by our emotions right now and that is not a place where we want to be remembered. Stick to the program of work, and go home. Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday, May 17th, there can be a tendency to fret about what to believe. A day where logic is challenged and many are just worn out by the sheer multitude of opinions. And that should be your clue, figure out what is someone’s opinion or, someone’s agenda, and you will find some clarity, maybe. Moon in Virgo.

Wednesday, May 18th, this is a day where it will be hard to tell which end is up. So don’t even try. Remember, there is not enough clear honest information out there for anyone to make sense of it. It might be better to take time to just clear out emotional baggage and then see what is left. If you can do that, then start to ask logical questions and find answers. In the end, we need to start asking very different questions and understanding motivations to get a clear picture. Moon in Libra later today.

Thursday, May 19th, Remember some of those epiphanies you had yesterday? Try giving them some form today with either day dreams or wishful thinking. We do create what is around us, and the key is that rising water floats all sea worthy boats. Don’t worry too much about those that are not viable. Moon in Libra.

Blessings and Peace,
Connie Hansen

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